Founded in 1889 by William Randal Cremer (UK) and Frédéric Passy (France), the Inter-Parliamentary Union was the first permanent forum for political multilateral negotiations. The Union is a centre for dialogue and parliamentary diplomacy among legislators representing every political system and all the main political leanings in the world. It was instrumental in setting up what is now the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.

Activities. The IPU fosters contacts, co-ordination and the exchange of experience among parliaments and parliamentarians of all countries; considers questions of international interest and concern, and expresses its views on such issues in order to bring about action by parliaments and parliamentarians; contributes to the defence and promotion of human rights—an essential factor of parliamentary democracy and development; contributes to better knowledge of the working and development of representative institutions and to the strengthening of representative democracy.

Membership. The IPU had 171 members and 11 associate members in Feb. 2017.

  • Headquarters: Chemin du Pommier 5, C.P. 330, CH-1218 Le Grand Saconnex, Geneva 19, Switzerland.

  • Website:

  • Email:

  • President: Saber Chowdhury (Bangladesh).

  • Secretary-General: Martin Chungong (Cameroon).