Clinical Oral Investigations is a multidisciplinary journal for research in oral medicine and maxillofacial science which provides up-to-date results of basic and clinical studies.
- Intends to create a connection between basic and clinical sciences and thus promote the exchange of information and the advancement of oral medicine for the benefit of patients
- Aims to clarify the relevance of new results to modern practice for an international readership.
- Recognized as one of the leading clinical journals in the field of oral and maxillofacial science and medicine.
- Editors-in-Chief
- Matthias Hannig,
- Stefan Ruhl
- Journal Impact Factor
- 3.1 (2023)
- 5-year Journal Impact Factor
- 3.3 (2023)
- Submission to first decision (median)
- 13 days
- Downloads
- 1,438,225 (2023)
Latest articles
Journal information
- Electronic ISSN
- 1436-3771
- Abstracted and indexed in
- BFI List
- Baidu
- Current Contents/Clinical Medicine
- Dimensions
- EMCare
- Google Scholar
- Japanese Science and Technology Agency (JST)
- Medline
- Naver
- Norwegian Register for Scientific Journals and Series
- OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service
- Portico
- ProQuest
- SCImago
- Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)
- TD Net Discovery Service
- UGC-CARE List (India)
- Wanfang
- Copyright information