Sedimentation processes and new age constraints on rifting stages in Lake Baikal: results of deep-water drilling M. I. KuzminE. B. KarabanovA. N. Gvozdkov ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 183 - 192
Heat flow and gas hydrates of the Baikal Rift Zone A. Y. GolmshtokA. D. DuchkovS. B. Khanukaev ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 193 - 211
Stratigraphic and structural evolution of the Selenga Delta Accommodation Zone, Lake Baikal Rift, Siberia C. A. ScholzD. R. Hutchinson ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 212 - 228
Evolution of the Academician Ridge Accommodation Zone in the central part of the Baikal Rift, from high-resolution reflection seismic profiling and geological field investigations V. D. MatsO. M. KhlystovA. Klimansky ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 229 - 250
Climate change in Lake Baikal: diatom evidence in an area of continuous sedimentation M. BangsR. W. BattarbeeA. W. Mackay ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 251 - 259
A computer-assisted thin-section study of Lake Baikal sediments: a tool for understanding sedimentary processes and deciphering their climatic signal Pierre FrancusEugene Karabanov ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 260 - 267
Record of seismotectonic events in siliceous cyanobacterial sediments (Magadi cherts), Lake Magadi, Kenya H.-J. BehrC. Röhricht ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 268 - 283
Metamorphic discontinuities in orogenic belts: example of the garnet–biotite–albite zone in the Otago Schist, New Zealand N. Mortimer ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 295 - 306
Emplacement of the Ardara pluton (Ireland): new constraints from magnetic fabrics, rock fabrics and age dating S. SiegesmundJ. K. Becker ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 307 - 327
Relics of an early-Panafrican metabasite–metarhyolite formation in the Brno Massif, Moravia, Czech Republic F. FingerM. TichomirowaP. Hanžl ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 328 - 335
Early Variscan magmatism in the Western Carpathians: U–Pb zircon data from granitoids and orthogneisses of the Tatra Mountains (Slovakia) U. PollerM. JanákW. Todt ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 336 - 349
An exhumation model of the south Peloponnesus, Greece T. DoutsosI. KoukouvelasK. Skourlis ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 350 - 365
Interplay of orbital forcing and tectonic pulses in the Cambrian Iberian platform, NE Spain J. J. ÁlvaroE. VenninJ. L. Ojeda ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 366 - 376
Complex structural pattern of the Alpine–Dinaridic–Pannonian triple junction J. HaasP. MiočE. Rálisch-Felgenhauer ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 377 - 389
The Paleocene–Eocene transition in the marginal northeastern Tethys (Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan) M.-P. BolleA. PardoN. Muzylev ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 390 - 414
The Neogene Fohnsdorf Basin: basin formation and basin inversion during lateral extrusion in the Eastern Alps (Austria) R. F. SachsenhoferA. KoglerM. Wagreich ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 415 - 430
Origins and development of Holocene coral reefs: a revisited model based on reef boreholes in the Seychelles, Indian Ocean C. J. R. BraithwaiteL. F. MontaggioniA. Mangini ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 431 - 445