Upper Neoproterozoic–Lower Cambrian sedimentary successions in the Central Iberian Zone (Spain): sequence stratigraphy, petrology and chemostratigraphy. Implications for other European zones M. I. ValladaresP. BarbaI. Armenteros ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 2 - 20
Paleozoic amphibolite–granulite facies magmatic complexes in the hinterland of the Uralide Orogen M. FribergA. LarionovD. G. Gee ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 21 - 39
Some constraints on geochemical features in the Triassic mantle of the easternmost Austroalpine–Southalpine domain: evidence from the Karawanken pluton (Carinthia, Austria) D. VisonàA. Zanferrari ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 40 - 51
Simultaneous horst-basin formation and magmatism during Late Variscan transtension: evidence from 40Ar/39Ar and 207Pb/206Pb geochronology in the Ruhla Crystalline Complex A. ZehM. A. CoscaM. Tichomirowa ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 52 - 71
Geochemical and isotopic composition of organic matter in the Kupferschiefer of the Polish Zechstein basin: relation to maturity and base metal mineralization A. BechtelR. GratzerS. Oszczepalski ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 72 - 89
Platform margin and oceanic sedimentation in a divergent and convergent plate setting (Jurassic, Pelagonian Zone, NE Evvoia, Greece) R. Scherreiks ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 90 - 107
Sequence and isotope stratigraphy of Late Triassic distal periplatform limestones from the Northern Calcareous Alps (Kälberstein Quarry, Berchtesgaden Hallstatt Zone) H.-J. GawlickF. Böhm ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 108 - 129
Liquid hydrocarbon source-rock potential of mid-Cretaceous coals and coal measures in the Middle Benue Trough of Nigeria N. G. ObajeH. Hamza ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 130 - 139
Carbonate shedding and sedimentary cyclicities of a distally steepened carbonate ramp (Miocene, Great Bahama Bank) C. BetzlerM. PfeifferS. Saxena ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 140 - 153
Geochemical compositional changes at the Pliocene–Pleistocene transition in fluviodeltaic deposits in the Tegelen-Reuver area (southeastern Netherlands) D. J. HuismanG. T. KlaverB. J. H. van Os ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 154 - 169
Physical weathering of marbles caused by anisotropic thermal expansion S. SiegesmundK. UllemeyerE. K. Tschegg ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 170 - 182