Further evidence for an early Carboniferous (∼340 Ma) age of high-grade metamorphism in the Saxonian granulite complex A. KrönerP. JaeckelU. Kroner ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 751 - 766
Sm–Nd ages of mafic rocks from the Coastal Cordillera at 24°S, northern Chile F. LucassenM. F. Thirlwall ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 767 - 774
Microcracks in granite cores from the EPS-1 geothermal drill hole, Soultz-sous-Forêts (France): paleostress directions, paleofluids and crack-related Vp-anisotropies M. SchildA. VollbrechtC. Reutel ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 775 - 785
Volume strain, strain type and flow path in a narrow shear zone U. Ring ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 786 - 801
Extensional subsidence, contractional folding and thrust inversion of the eastern Cameros basin, northern Spain A. M. Casas-SainzA. Gil-Imaz ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 802 - 818
Basin fill evolution and paleotectonic patterns along the Samfrau geosyncline: the Sauce Grande basin–Ventana foldbelt (Argentina) and Karoo basin–Cape foldbelt (South Africa) revisited O. R. López-GamundíE. A. Rossello ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 819 - 834
A sandy tidal coast in the uppermost Muschelkalk and the origin of the Muschelkalk/Keuper boundary in the southwestern Germanic basin A. Vecsei ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 835 - 851
Long-distance correlations by sequence stratigraphy and cyclostratigraphy: examples and implications (Oxfordian from the Swiss Jura, Spain, and Normandy) B. PittetA. Strasser ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 852 - 874
Soft-sediment deformation structures interpreted as seismites in the uppermost Aptian to lowermost Albian transgressive deposits of the Chihuahua basin (Mexico) E. J.-P. BlancM.-C. Blanc-AlétruP.-O. Mojon ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 875 - 883
Thermobarometry and P–T path of garnet–aluminosilicate-bearing gneisses from the KTB drill core (Continental Deep-Drilling Project, Germany) J. Reinhardt ERRATUM Pages: 884 - 885