Fractal scaling and power-law landslide distribution in a micromodel of geomorphological evolution A. CzirókE. SomfaiT. Vicsek ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 525 - 530
Cell-zonal textures of tinguaites from the Kola Peninsula Y. L. VoitsekhovskyA. K. ShpachenkoV. I. Skiba ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 531 - 538
Geochemical evolution of high-pressure mafic granulites from the Bacariza formation (Cabo Ortegal complex, NW Spain): an example of a heterogeneous lower crust G. GalánA. Marcos ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 539 - 555
Age, geodynamic setting, and mantle enrichment processes of a K-rich intrusion from the Meissen massif (northern Bohemian massif) and implications for related occurrences from the mid-European Hercynian T. WenzelD. F. MertzP. R. Renne ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 556 - 570
Late Cadomian crustal tilting and Cambrian transtension in the Teplá–Barrandian unit (Bohemian Massif, Central European Variscides) G. ZulaufW. DörrZ. Vejnar ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 571 - 584
Geodynamic evolution of the European Variscan fold belt: palaeomagnetic and geological constraints J. A. TaitV. BachtadseH. C. Soffel ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 585 - 598
Accretion and exhumation at a Variscan active margin, recorded in the Saxothuringian flysch J. SchäferH. NeurothW. Franke ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 599 - 611
Exhumed fault-bounded Alpine blocks along the Periadriatic lineament: the Eder unit (Carnic Alps, Austria) A. L. LäuferW. FrischJ. Loeschke ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 612 - 626
Structures along the Orobic thrust, Central Orobic Alps, Italy J. C. BlomC. W. Passchier ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 627 - 636
Evolution of the northwestern Iblean Mountains, Sicily: uplift, Plicocene/Pleistocene sea-level changes, paleoenvironment, and volcanism H.-U. SchminckeB. BehnckeS. Raffi ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 637 - 669
Three-dimensional evolution of the Keuper of the Paris basin based on detailed isopach maps of the stratigraphic cycles: tectonic influences S. BourquinJ. VaironP. Le Strat ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 670 - 685
The Cretaceous–Tertiary transition in Guatemala: limestone breccia deposits from the South Petén basin W. StinnesbeckG. KellerJ. E. Whittaker ORIGINAL PAPER Pages: 686 - 709
The eclogites in the Monotonous Series of the Moldanubian zone and the theory of thermal pulses: a discussion K. Petrakakis DISCUSSION Pages: 710 - 715
The eclogites in the Monotonous Series of the Moldanubian zone and the theory of thermal pulses: a reply P. J. O’BrienS. Vrána REPLY Pages: 716 - 719