Global change and marine geology: Introduction Gerold WeferWolfgang H. Berger Editorial Pages: 399 - 400
Current controlled sediment deposition from the shelf to the deep ocean: the cenozoic evolution of circulation through the SW pacific gateway R. M. CarterL. CarterI. N. McCave Original Paper Pages: 438 - 451
The progressive intensification of northern hemisphere glaciation as seen from the North Pacific M. A. MaslinG. H. HaugR. Tiedemann Original Paper Pages: 452 - 465
Reconstruction of atmospheric CO2 from ice-core data and the deep-sea record of ontong Java plateau: the Milankovitch chron Wolfgang H. BergerMemorie K. YasudaGerold Wefer Original Paper Pages: 466 - 495
Neritic and pelagic carbonate sedimentation in the marine environment: ignorance is not bliss J. D. MillimanA. W. Droxler Original Paper Pages: 496 - 504
Three-dimensional visualization of orbital forcing and climatic repsonse: Interactively exploring the pacemaker of the ice ages Larry A. MayerCyril GobrechtNicklas G. Pisias Original Paper Pages: 505 - 512
Investigating the sensitivity of the Atmospheric General Circulation Model ECHAM 3 to paleoclimatic boundary conditions S. LorenzB. GriegerK. Herterich Original Paper Pages: 513 - 524
Late Quaternary sedimentation on the Mid-Atlantic Reykjanes Ridge: clay mineral assemblages and depositional environment B. GehrkeK. S. LackschewitzH. -J. Wallrabe-Adams Original Paper Pages: 525 - 535
Geochemistry of a piston core from Ontong Java Plateau (western equatorial Pacific): evidence for sediment redistribution and changes in paleoproductivity B. SchwarzA. ManginiM. Segl Original Paper Pages: 536 - 545
Sea level rise and impacts on nearshore sedimentation: an overview Terry Healy Original Paper Pages: 546 - 553
Late Quaternary sediment dating and quantification of lateral sediment redistribution applying230Thex: a study from the eastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean M. FrankA. ManginiG. Kuhn Original Paper Pages: 554 - 566
Ferromanganese crusts as indicators for paleoceanographic events in the NE Atlantic A. KoschinskyP. HalbachA. Mangini Original Paper Pages: 567 - 576
Thorium and uranium isotopes in a manganese nodule from the Peru basin determined by alpha spectrometry and thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS): Are manganese supply and growth related to climate? A. BollhöferA. EisenhauerA. Mangini Original Paper Pages: 577 - 585
High-frequency cycles in the upper Aptian carbonates of the Organyà basin, NE spain M. BachmannH. Willems Original Paper Pages: 586 - 605
The Last Interglacial sea level change: new evidence from the Abrolhos islands, West Australia A. EisenhauerZ. R. ZhuR. Eichstätter Original Paper Pages: 606 - 614
Charles Edgar Stehn: Der Ausbruch des Anak Krakatau im Mai 1933 I. SeiboldE. Seibold Neues Aus Dem Geologenarchiv Pages: 615 - 618