Professor Dr. Alfred G. Fischer für wegweisende Erkenntnisse über die Rhythmen des Lebens und des Klimas der Erde W. Schlager EditorialNotes 01 March 1994 Pages: 3 - 4
A Lower Palaeozoic shallow water sequence in the eastern European Variscides (SW Poland): provenance and depositional history Ryszard KryzaKrzysztof TurniakJan A. Zalasiewicz OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 5 - 19
North Gondwana origin for exotic Variscan rocks in the Rhenohercynian zone of Germany Martin Stefan Oczlon OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 20 - 31
Sedimentary history of the Tethyan basin in the Tibetan Himalayas Guanghua LiuG. Einsele OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 32 - 61
Early Cretaceous volcaniclastic and quartzose sandstones from north central Nepal: composition, sedimentology and geotectonic significance Sören B. DürrMartin R. Gibling OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 62 - 75
The Triassic of the Thakkhola (Nepal). I: stratigraphy and paleoenvironment of a north-east Gondwanan rifted margin U. von RadS. DürrJ. G. Ogg OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 76 - 106
The Triassic of the Thakkhola (Nepal). II: Paleolatitudes and comparison with other Eastern Tethyan Margins of Gondwana J. G. OggU. von Rad OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 107 - 129
The unusual cyclicity of the Triassic (Carnian) Bleiberg facies of the Wetterstein Formation (Drau Range, Austria) S. Zeeh OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 130 - 142
Early Paleozoic rifting and bimodal volcanism in the Ossa-Morena Zone of south-west Spain Uwe GieseBernhard Bühn OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 143 - 160
NIZUSE: a deep seismic reflection line in north-eastern Germany Wolfgang HorstMichael BörngenErnst R. flueh OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 161 - 169
L'écaille des Gaux (Ardennes beiges): un exemple d'évolution tectono-sédimentaire complexe lors du développement d'un pli de propagation E. MercierT. De PutterJ. L. Mansy OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 170 - 179
K-Ar dating of episodic Mesozoic fluid migrations along the fault system of Gernsbach between the Moldanubian and Saxothuringian (Northern Black Forest, Germany) O. BrockampM. ZutherN. Clauer OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 180 - 185
East Avalonia, the third partner in the Caledonian collisions: evidence from deep seismic reflection data R. MeissnerP. SadowiaklS. A. Thomas OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 186 - 196
Die muttekopfgosau (Lechtaler Alpen, Tirol/Österreich): Sedimentologie und Beckenentwicklung H. Ortner OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 197 - 211
Modern sands of South America: composition, provenance and global significance P. E. Potter OriginalPaper 01 March 1994 Pages: 212 - 232