Zur Systematik der Kohlenstoff-Schwefel-Eisen-Verhältnisse in Auftriebssedimenten K. -C. EmeisJ. W. Morse OriginalPaper Pages: 604 - 618
Geochemistry and geotectonic setting of Late Proterozoic Katangan basic rocks from Kibambale in central Shaba (Zaire) A. B. KampunzuM. KanikaK. Tshimanga OriginalPaper Pages: 619 - 630
Orthopyroxene minettes and lamproites: their status and genetic significance D. Němec OriginalPaper Pages: 631 - 639
Geological development and mineralization in the Atacama segment of the South American Andes, northern Chile (26°15′–27°25′S) Carlos M. PalaciosBrian C. TownleyAntonio M. Egaña OriginalPaper Pages: 652 - 662
Stable isotope study of carbonate-cemented rocks from the Pobitite Kamani area, north-eastern Bulgaria R. W. BotzV. GeorgievV. Kostadinov OriginalPaper Pages: 663 - 666
Thermal history of the Sonnblick Dome, south-east Tauern Window, Austria: Implications for heterogeneous uplift within the Pennine basement S. M. ReddyR. A. CliffR. East OriginalPaper Pages: 667 - 675
Upper Cenomanian-lower Turonian sea-level rise and its consequences on the Adriatic-Dinaric carbonate platform I. GušićV. Jelaska OriginalPaper Pages: 676 - 686
Sulphur dioxide, particle and elemental emissions from Mount Etna, Italy during July 1987 R. J. AndresP. R. KyleR. L. Chuan OriginalPaper Pages: 687 - 695
Tectonics of the Scandian orogeny and the Western Gneiss Region in southern Norway F. H. Koenemann OriginalPaper Pages: 696 - 717
Characterization of organic-rich material in an evaporitic environment: the Lower Oligocene of the Mulhouse basin (Alsace, France) J. -P. GelyM. -M. Blanc-ValleronM. Ansart OriginalPaper Pages: 718 - 725
Occurrence of Contrasting skarn formations in dolomites of the Traversella deposit (Ivrea, Italy) J. Vander AuweraJ. Verkaeren OriginalPaper Pages: 726 - 740
Dedolomitization of dolocrete deposits in Kuwait, Arabian Gulf F. I. KhalafM. S. Abdal OriginalPaper Pages: 741 - 749
Discussion of ‘The Azuara impact structure (Spain): new insights from geophysical and geological investigations’ by K. Ernston and J. Fiebag Marc AurellÁngle GonzálezRamon Salas BriefCommunication Pages: 750 - 755
Reply to discussion of “The Azuara impact structure (Spain): new insights from geophysical and geological investigations” by K. Ernstson and J. Fiebag Kord ErnstsonJohannes Fiebag BriefCommunication Pages: 756 - 759
Discussion of ‘A morphotectonic study of environmental impact on ground water in Southern Iran and under the Persian Gulf’ by G. Farhoudi and K. Poll P. L. Younger BriefCommunication Pages: 760 - 762
Reply to discussion of ‘A morphotectonic study of environmental impact on ground water in Southern Iran and under the Persian Gulf’ by G. Farhoudi and K. Poll G. FarhoudiK. Poll BriefCommunication Pages: 763 - 764
Die Rheingrabenrandverwerfung im Wattkopftunnel bei Ettlingen (Nordschwarzwald) Ernst NeßelerMichael FröhlerSebastían Lebede Short note Pages: 765 - 768