Synthesis of Palaeozoic deformational events and terrane accretion in the Canadian Appalachians J. D. Keppie OriginalPaper Pages: 381 - 431
Southern margin of the Variscan belt: the north-western Gondwana mobile zone (eastern Morocco and Northern Algeria) A. PiquéG. BossièreCh. Hoepffner OriginalPaper Pages: 432 - 439
Tectonics of the Beja-Acebuches Ophiolite: a major suture in the Iberian Variscan Foldbelt P. FonsecaA. Ribeiro OriginalPaper Pages: 440 - 447
Structural study of a semiductile strike-slip system in the Central Iberian Zone (Variscan Fold Belt, Spain): structural controls on gold deposits E. Gonzalez-ClavijoM. A. Diez-BaldaF. Alvarez OriginalPaper Pages: 448 - 460
Extensional ductile tectonics of the Sioule metamorphic series (Variscan French Massif Central) M. FaureJ. GrolierJ. Pons OriginalPaper Pages: 461 - 474
The Böllstein Odenwald: evidence for pre- to early Variscan plate convergence in the Central European variscides Uwe AltenbergerThomas Besch OriginalPaper Pages: 475 - 488
Brittle deformation events at the western border of the Bohemian Massif (Germany) Gernold Zulauf OriginalPaper Pages: 489 - 504
The Saxonian Granulite Massif: new aspects from geochronological studies A. von Quadt OriginalPaper Pages: 516 - 530
Tectonometamorphic evolution of the Bohemian Massif: evidence from high pressure metamorphic rocks P. J. O'BrienD. A. Carswell OriginalPaper Pages: 531 - 555
Kinematics of crustal stacking and dispersion in the south-eastern Bohemian Massif H. FritzFranz Neubauer OriginalPaper Pages: 556 - 565
Terrane character of the north-east margin of the Moldanubian Zone: the Kutná Hora Crystalline Complex, Bohemian Massif Jaroslav SynekDana Oliveriová OriginalPaper Pages: 566 - 582
Saxothuringian zone in Germany and Poland: differences and common features W FrankeA. ŻelázniewiczB. Wajspyrch OriginalPaper Pages: 583 - 599