Marine depositional events controlled by sediment supply and sea-level changes G. Einsele OriginalPaper Pages: 173 - 184
Taphonomic expressions of sedimentary hiatuses: field observations on bioclastic concentrations and sequence anatomy in low, moderate and high subsidence settings S. M. Kidwell OriginalPaper Pages: 189 - 202
Phanerozoic shallow water diversity driven by changes in sea-level A. R. Wyatt OriginalPaper Pages: 203 - 211
Application of sequence and genetic stratigraphic concepts to Carboniferous coal-bearing strata: an example from the Black Warrior basin, USA Robert A. GastaldoTimothy M. DemkoYuejin Liu OriginalPaper Pages: 212 - 226
Continental deposits and archaeological data in the Trieste Karst area (north-east Italy: evidence of sea-level changes and possible tectonic activity in the Late Pleistocene and Early Holocene G. Boschian OriginalPaper Pages: 227 - 233
Palaeoenvironmental interpretation of Holocene coastal sequences in the southern bay of Biscay A. Cearreta OriginalPaper Pages: 234 - 240
Submerged upper Holocene beachrock on San Salvador Island, Bahamas: implications for recent sea-level history P. KindlerR. J. Bain OriginalPaper Pages: 241 - 247
Sea level and diagenesis: a case study on Pleistocene beaches, Whalebone Bay, Bermuda R. VollbrechtD. Meischner OriginalPaper Pages: 248 - 262
Late Quaternary record of sea-level changes in the Antarctic H. GrobeP. HuybrechtsD. K. Fütterer OriginalPaper Pages: 263 - 275
Two bioerosion ichnofacies produced by early and late burial associated with sea-level change Richard G. BromleyUlla Asgaard OriginalPaper Pages: 276 - 280
Sequence stratigraphy in a mixed carbonate-silicilastic depositional system (Middle Miocene; Styrian Basin, Austria) J. Georg Friebe OriginalPaper Pages: 281 - 294
Relative sea-level fluctuations and brown coal formation around the Early-Middle Miocene boundary in the Lusatian Brown Coal District G. StandkeJ. RascherC. Strauss OriginalPaper Pages: 295 - 305
Cyclic facies architecture as a key to depositional controls in a distal foredeep: Campanian Mesaverde Group, Wyoming, USA B. Klug OriginalPaper Pages: 306 - 326
Sequence stratigraphy in the upper cretaceous of the Basco-Cantabrian Basin (northern Spain) K. -U. GrafeJ. Wiedmann OriginalPaper Pages: 327 - 361
Sedimentology of middle ordovician carbonates in the Argentine precordillera: evidence of regional relative sea-level changes M. KellerS. EberleinO. Lehnert OriginalPaper Pages: 362 - 377