Editorial address of the editor-in-chief and the editor-in-chief elect Heinrich ZanklWolf-Christian Dullo EditorialNotes Pages: 1 - 2
Subsidenz und tektonik des Saar-Nahe-Beckens (SW-Deutschland) Andreas Henk OriginalPaper Pages: 3 - 19
Investigation of the lithosphere beneath the Vogelsberg volcanic complex with P-wave travel time residuals T. BraunH. Berckhemer OriginalPaper Pages: 20 - 29
Les écosystèmes microbiens marqueurs des variations des niveaux lacustres en contexte de fan-deltas. Exemple du rift rhénan méridional (Europe occidentale) P. DuringerJ. -C. Gall OriginalPaper Pages: 30 - 41
Evidence from zircon dating for existence of approximately 2.1 Ga old crystalline basement in southern Bohemia, Czech Republic J. I. WendtA. KrönerW. Todt OriginalPaper Pages: 42 - 50
Tectono-magmatic evolution of sheeted plutonic bodies along the north Giudicarie line (northern Italy) S. MartinG. ProsserL. Morten OriginalPaper Pages: 51 - 66
An attempt to define a “neotectonic period” for central and northern Europe A. Becker OriginalPaper Pages: 67 - 83
Données nouvelles sur la stratigraphie des terrains carbonifères de la Meseta orientale marocaine (boutonnières de Debdou, Mekam et Jerada) M. BerkhliJ. -C. PaichelerD. Vachard OriginalPaper Pages: 84 - 100
Structural characteristics of the Suez rift margins A. R. MoustafaA. K. El-Raey OriginalPaper Pages: 101 - 109
Southern borderland of Triassic Laurasia in north-east Iran A. W. Ruttner OriginalPaper Pages: 110 - 120
A Pan-African alkaline pluton intruding the Saramuj Conglomerate, south-west Jordan Ghaleb JarrarHorst WachendorfDieter Zachmann OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 135
Devonian-Carboniferous unconformity in Argentina and its relation to the Eo-Hercynian orogeny in southern South America O. R. López-GamundíE. A. Rossello OriginalPaper Pages: 136 - 147
Pyrite framboids and their development: a new conceptual mechanism Z. Sawlowicz OriginalPaper Pages: 148 - 156