Orogenically controlled sedimentation in the Lechtaler Kreideschiefer (Lechtal shale; Cretaceous) and geodynamics of the inner western NCA (Northern Calcareous Alps; Lechtal Alps) Otto Leiss OriginalPaper Pages: 603 - 634
Neotectonics of the central parts of the Balkan Peninsula: Basic features and concepts Ivan S. Zagorčev OriginalPaper Pages: 635 - 654
The evolution of the Western Ligurian Flysch Units and the role of mud diapirism in ancient accretionary prisms (Maritime Alps, Northwestern Italy) A. Di Giulio OriginalPaper Pages: 655 - 668
Geological evolution of the Albanian ophiolites and their platform periphery Minella Shallo OriginalPaper Pages: 681 - 694
Gravity-flow dominated sedimentation on the Buda paleoslope (Hungary): Record of Late Eocene continental escape of the Bakony unit L. FodorA. MagyariA. Fogarasi OriginalPaper Pages: 695 - 716
Hydrothermal alteration and mineralisation of basalts from the spreading zone of the East Pacific Rise (7°S–23°S) H. G. DillC. GauertV. Marchig OriginalPaper Pages: 717 - 728
Occurrence and40Ar/39Ar dating of a granite in Thera (Santorini, Greece) Nikos SkarpelisKonstantinos KyriakopoulosIgor Villa OriginalPaper Pages: 729 - 735
The Mlindi ring structure. An example of an ultrapotassic pyroxenite to syenite differentiated complex M. LavalA. M. Hottin OriginalPaper Pages: 737 - 757
Aluminium species distribution during mixing of acid coal and slate mine drainage with neutral stream waters Reimer HerrmannIsolde Baumgartner OriginalPaper Pages: 759 - 767
La Formation glaciaire de la Mambéré (République Centrafricaine): Reconstitution paléogéographique et implications à l'échelle du Paléozoique africain Claude CensierJacques Lang OriginalPaper Pages: 769 - 789
A discussion of: “the structure of the Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic basement of the Central Andes between 22° and 32° S Lat.” by Mon and Hongn A. P. WillnerH. Miller Discussion Pages: 795 - 798
A reply to the discussion of our paper on “the structure of the Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic basement of the Central Andes between 22° and 32° S Lat.”, as presented by A. P. Willner and H. Miller R. MonF. D. Hongn Reply Pages: 799 - 801