Crustal structure of the Rhenish Massif: results of deep seismic reflection lines Dekorp 2-North and 2-North-Q W. FrankeR. K. BortfeldH. K. Wong OriginalPaper Pages: 523 - 566
Accompanying seismic refraction investigations along the profile DEKORP 2-North P. GieseS. IbbekenK. Schulze-Frerichs OriginalPaper Pages: 567 - 579
Magnetotelluric study of the earth's crust along the deep seismic reflection profile DEKORP 2-N R. VolbersH. JödickeJ. Untiedt OriginalPaper Pages: 581 - 601
Preliminary interpretation of the magnetic anomalies in the area of the seismic reflection profile DEKORP 2-N A. HahnT. Wonik OriginalPaper Pages: 603 - 610
Provenance and depositional environment of Rhenohercynian synorogenic greywackes from the Giessen Nappe, Germany P. A. FloydB. E. LeveridgeW. Dörr OriginalPaper Pages: 611 - 626
Polyphase Variscan tectonics and metamorphism along a segment of the Saxothuringian-Moldanubian boundary: The Baden-Baden Zone, northern Schwarzwald (F.R.G.) F. WickertR. AltherrM. Deutsch OriginalPaper Pages: 627 - 647
Seismic evidence of increased tectonothermal activity near the Oberpfalz deep continental drilling location (SE Germany) H. TrappeTh. Wever OriginalPaper Pages: 649 - 658
Vulkanogene Glasscherben-Relikte in Kohlentonsteinen des Saar-Lothringer Oberkarbons sowie Herkunft und Menge der Pyroklastika Kurt Burger OriginalPaper Pages: 659 - 691
Lead mobilization during foreland metamorphism in orogenic belts: Examples from northern Sweden R. L. Romer OriginalPaper Pages: 693 - 707
Post-magmatic resetting of Rb-Sr whole rock ages — a study in the Central Aar Granite (Central Alps, Switzerland) U. Schaltegger OriginalPaper Pages: 709 - 724
The internal structure of the Arosa Zone (Swiss-Austrian Alps) Uwe RingLothar RatschbacherSusanne Borchert OriginalPaper Pages: 725 - 739
Trondhjemites in the Badajoz-Cordoba belt, Sw Spain. Geochemical interpretations and geological implications J. L. Garcia Casquero OriginalPaper Pages: 741 - 752
Tectonic stages along a traverse cross cutting the Rhodopian zone (Greece) Ioannis KoukouvelasTheodor Doutsos OriginalPaper Pages: 753 - 776
Metamorphic zircons from North Cameroon; implications for the Pan-African evolution of Central Africa S. F. ToteuGaroua, J. MacaudiereD. Dautel OriginalPaper Pages: 777 - 788
U/Pb-Datierung an Pechblenden und uranhaltigen Erzen aus den Uranlagerstätten von Taoshan, Südchina Y. -F. ZhengW. -Z. ShenZ. -H. Zhang OriginalPaper Pages: 789 - 796
Structural and metamorphic evolution of the Sierras Australes (Buenos Aires Province/Argentina) W. von GosenW. BuggischL. V. Dimieri OriginalPaper Pages: 797 - 821
Geology of the Sierra Leone Rise E. M. EmelyanovI. N. ElnikovG. S. Kharin OriginalPaper Pages: 823 - 848