Combined processing of seismic reflection and borehole measurements in the Moroccan basin offshore NW-Africa at DSDP-site 416 H. -P. HarjesH. Krummel OriginalPaper Pages: 691 - 703
Thrust tectonics along the north-western continental margin of Sabah/Borneo K. HinzJ. FritschJ. Benavidez OriginalPaper Pages: 705 - 730
Amplitude variation of marine magnetic anomalies E. GeissN. PetersenU. Bleil OriginalPaper Pages: 741 - 752
Biogenic and lithogenic magnetic minerals in Atlantic and Pacific deep sea sediments and their paleomagnetic significance H. ValiT. von DobeneckN. Petersen OriginalPaper Pages: 753 - 764
On the relationship between silica and carbonate diagenesis in deep-sea sediments Linda A. HobertAndreas Wetzel OriginalPaper Pages: 765 - 778
Authigenic zeolites and their relation to silica diagenesis in ODP Site 661 sediments (Leg 108, Eastern Equatorial Atlantic) Gerhard BohrmannRüdiger SteinJean -Claude Faugères OriginalPaper Pages: 779 - 792
Provenance and diagenesis of organic matter in Late Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments from the southern Black Sea margin M. G. WiesnerH. K. WongE. T. Degens OriginalPaper Pages: 793 - 806
Compactional behavior of fine-grained sediments — examples from Deep Sea Drilling Project cores Ulf BayerAndreas Wetzel OriginalPaper Pages: 807 - 819
In-situ water contents, liquid limits, and submarine mass flows due to a high liquefaction potential of slope sediment (results from DSDP and subaerial counterparts) Gerhard Einsele OriginalPaper Pages: 821 - 840
Steroid biological marker hydrocarbons as indicators of organic matter diagenesis in Deep Sea sediments: geochemical reactions and influence of different heat flow regimes H. L. Ten HavenJ. RullkötterD. H. Welte OriginalPaper Pages: 841 - 850
Geochemistry of recent TOC-rich sediments from the Gulf of California and the Black Sea Hans -J. Brumsack OriginalPaper Pages: 851 - 882
Changes in paleoenvironments in the Atlantic Ocean during Cretaceous times: results from black shales studies R. SteinJ. RullkötterD. H. Welte OriginalPaper Pages: 883 - 901
Mineral composition of sedimentary formations in the North Atlantic Ocean Peter Rothe OriginalPaper Pages: 903 - 942
The manganese nodules of the Kane Gap (East Atlantic). Indicators of sedimentation — erosion changes M. HartmannM. SeglW. Wölfli OriginalPaper Pages: 943 - 958
Plio-Pleistocene sedimentation regimes leading to chalk-marl-cycles in the North Atlantic (DSDP Site 552 — Hole 552A) Liselotte Diester-HaassDetmar Schnitker OriginalPaper Pages: 959 - 985
Provenance and accumulation rates of Pliocene and Quaternary sediments from the western Coral Sea Helmut Beiersdorf OriginalPaper Pages: 987 - 998
Oberjura-Foraminiferen aus dem Nord- und Südatlantik (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1–79) Wolfgang RiegrafHanspeter Luterbacher OriginalPaper Pages: 999 - 1045
Benthonische Schelf-Foraminiferen aus dem Valanginium-Hauterivium (Unterkreide) des Indischen Ozeans südwestlich Madagaskar (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 25, Site 249). Wolfgang Riegraf OriginalPaper Pages: 1047 - 1061
Benthonische Foraminiferen aus der Unterkreide des »Deep Sea Drilling Project« (Leg 1–79) Wolfgang RiegrafHanspeter Luterbacher OriginalPaper Pages: 1063 - 1120
Late Cretaceous deep-water agglutinated foraminiferal assemblages from the North Atlantic and its marginal seas Wolfgang KuhntMichael A. KaminskiMichel Moullade OriginalPaper Pages: 1121 - 1140
Jurassic and Cretaceous rhyncholites (Cephalopod jaws) from the North Atlantic Ocean (Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 1–79) and their European Counterparts Wolfgang RiegrafHanspeter Luterbacher OriginalPaper Pages: 1141 - 1163
Phytoliths at DSDP Site 591 in the southwest Pacific and the aridification of Australia S. LockerE. Martini OriginalPaper Pages: 1165 - 1172
Chronology and correlation of Quaternary magnetostratigraphy and nannofossil biostratigraphy in Norwegian-Greenland Sea sediments Ulrich BleilGunilla Gard OriginalPaper Pages: 1173 - 1187
Triassic to Cenozoic evolution of the NW Australian continental margin and the birth of the Indian Ocean (preliminary results of ODP Legs 122 and 123) Ulrich von RadJürgen Thurowthe ODP Leg 122/123 shipboard scientific parties OriginalPaper Pages: 1189 - 1210