The lower Paleozoic Nyimaling Granite in the Indian Himalaya (Ladakh): New Rb/Sr data versus zircon typology Edgar StutzMartin Thöni OriginalPaper Pages: 307 - 315
Age and nature of carbonatite emplacement in North Pakistan M. J. Le BasI. MianD. C. Rex OriginalPaper Pages: 317 - 323
Geochemistry, geochronology, and petrogenesis of a Late Precambrian (∼ 590 Ma) composite dike from the North Eastern Desert of Egypt Robert J. SternDavid A. Voegeli OriginalPaper Pages: 325 - 341
Metallogenic and tectonic characteristics of the paleozoic ophiolitic belt of the southern Chile coastal Cordillera Jose Frutos JGuillermo Alfaro H OriginalPaper Pages: 343 - 356
Complex concentric granitoid intrusions in the coastal mobile belt, Espírito Santo, Brazil: The Santa Angélica Pluton — an example P. BayerR. Schmidt-ThoméH. A. Horn OriginalPaper Pages: 357 - 371
Ignimbritic cauldrons, alkali granites, and mineral deposits in fault-block mountains Hansgeorg Förster OriginalPaper Pages: 373 - 388
Isotopic datings of reddish granitoids in southern Värmland, southwestern Sweden Per -Olof PerssonLars MalmströmBent T. Hansen OriginalPaper Pages: 389 - 406
Polymetamorphose und Deckenbau der Strand-Halbinsel/SW-Norwegen Georg MüllerKarl W. Strauss OriginalPaper Pages: 407 - 418
Untersuchung der Photolineationen und des bruchtektonischen Inventars im Raum Erbendorf (N-Bayern) mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Gangvererzungen Harald DillManfred FürstRainer Kiwitt OriginalPaper Pages: 419 - 431
Neotectonic evolution of northwestern-continental Greece Theodor DoutsosNikolaos KontopoulosDimitris Frydas OriginalPaper Pages: 433 - 450
The detection and significance of early deformation in the southern Variscan Pyrenees, Spain; implications for regional Paleozoic structural evolution Arie Speksnijder OriginalPaper Pages: 451 - 476
Lithostratigraphic correlation of Blaini Formation (late Proterozoic, Lesser Himalaya, India) with other late Proterozoic tillite sequences M. E. Brookfield OriginalPaper Pages: 477 - 484
Chronometric calibration of a comparative time scale for the mesozoic and paleozoic Ulf Bayer OriginalPaper Pages: 485 - 503
The ševĚtín astrobleme, southern Bohemia, Czechoslovakia Stanislav Vrána OriginalPaper Pages: 505 - 528
Southernmost outcrops of marine lower Tertiary carbonate rocks in NE-Africa (Gebel Abyad, Sudan) Nabil BaraziJochen Kuss OriginalPaper Pages: 529 - 537
Lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Karoo rocks of the Luwegu Basin (Tanzania) and their biostratigraphic classification based on microfloras, macrofloras, fossil woods and vertebrates Otfried Hankel OriginalPaper Pages: 539 - 565
The tectonic and sedimentary development of the Biscay synclinorium in Northern Spain Martin Meschede OriginalPaper Pages: 567 - 577
Une mégaséquence d'émersion: la Lettenkohle (Trias Est de la France). Mise en évidence de marées par l'imbrication bipolaire de plaques de dessiccation Philippe Duringer OriginalPaper Pages: 579 - 597
Multifactorial control of sedimentation patterns in an ocean marginal basin: the Lusitanian Basin (Portugal) during the Kimmeridgian and Tithonian Reinhold R. Leinfelder OriginalPaper Pages: 599 - 631
Paleozoic basin development in northern Chile (21°–27°S) Heinrich BahlburgChristoph BreitkreuzWerner Zeil OriginalPaper Pages: 633 - 646
Die fazielle Entwicklung des Alpinen Buntsandsteins (Skyth) im Westabschnitt der Nördlichen Kalkalpen (Tirol/Salzburg, Österreich) Volkmar Stingl OriginalPaper Pages: 647 - 664