Geochemical characteristics of Archaean and Late Proterozoic to Palaeozoic fine-grained sediments from Southern Africa and significance for the evolution of the continental crust N. LaskowskiA. Kröner OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 9
Paleogeographic and paleotectonic response to magmatic processes: a case history from the Archean sequence in the Chibougamau area, Quebec Erich DimrothMichel RochelauPierre Simoneau OriginalPaper Pages: 11 - 32
Hydrothermal alteration as a control of regional geochemistry and ore formation in the central Baltic Shield Björn LagerbladRoland Gorbatschev OriginalPaper Pages: 33 - 49
Deformation fabric and microstructures in ophiolitic chromitites and host ultramafics, Sultanate of Oman F. G. Christiansen OriginalPaper Pages: 61 - 76
Altersbeziehungen zwischen Metamorphose und Deformation im zentralen Teil des Serbomazedonischen Massivs (Vertiskos Gebirge, Nord-Griechenland) C. PapadopoulosA. Kilias OriginalPaper Pages: 77 - 85
Bruchtektonik und Schollenbau im Hohen Atlas südlich von Marrakech (Marokko) Georg Dresen OriginalPaper Pages: 95 - 108
Das Relief des Mars' Versuch einer zusammenfassenden Übersicht Heinz -Peter Jöns OriginalPaper Pages: 109 - 121
Impact des événements tectono-volcaniques plio-pléistocènes sur la sédimentation en République de Djibouti (Afar Central) M. BoucarutM. ClinCl. Thibault OriginalPaper Pages: 123 - 137
Oligocene deposits of the Zara-Hafik region (Sivas, Central Turkey): evolution from storm-influenced shelf to evaporitic basin Sungu L. GökçenGilbert Kelling OriginalPaper Pages: 139 - 153
Surficial calcareous crust of caliche type along the Red Sea coast, Egypt M. El ArefS. Abdel WahabS. Ahmed OriginalPaper Pages: 155 - 163
Application of Markov chain and entropy analysis to lithologic successions: An example from the Cretaceous of the Benue trough (Nigeria) M. HoqueC. S. Nwajide OriginalPaper Pages: 165 - 177