Organic compounds in the early atmosphere formed abiotically from atomic carbon Friedemann FreundRolf KnobelRainer G. Schaefer Aufsätze Pages: 1 - 21
Magma generated structures and their subsequent development in the Late Archaean evolution of Northern Buksefjorden, Southern West Greenland Brian ChadwickK. CoeJ. G. Stainforth Aufsätze Pages: 61 - 72
Pitchblende vein discoveries in the Proterozoic ketilidian granite of South Greenland Ashlyn Armour-BrownTapani TukiainenBjarne Wallin Aufsätze Pages: 73 - 80
Review of the Isotope Geochrohology of the high-grade metamorphic Precambrian of SW Norway H. N. A. PriemR. H. Verschure Aufsätze Pages: 81 - 84
Precambrian basement complexes in the North-Central Scandinavian Caledonides and their pre-Caledonian tectonic evolution Reinhard Greiling Aufsätze Pages: 85 - 93
The Bidjovagge copper-gold deposits of Western Finnmark, Norway Ragnar Hagen Aufsätze Pages: 94 - 103
Structural effects on the Proterozoic Ullensvang Group (West Norway) relatable to forceful emplacement of expanding plutons Tore Torske Aufsätze Pages: 104 - 119
Magma types and the tectonic evolution of the Swedish Proterozoic Michael R. Wilson Aufsätze Pages: 120 - 129
Trends in the Postsvecokarelian development of the Baltic Shield Anders Lindh Aufsätze Pages: 130 - 140
Proterozoic tectonic evolution and late Svecokarelian plate deformation of the Central Baltic Shield Gabor Gaál Aufsätze Pages: 158 - 170
Bimodal early proterozoic volcanism in the Grythytte field and associated volcano-plutonic complexes, Bergslagen, Central Sweden Willem van der VeldenJames BakerThea van Meerten Aufsätze Pages: 171 - 181
Ore deposition in a proterozoic incipient rift zone environment: a tentative model for the Filipstad-Grythyttan-Hjulsjö region, Bergslagen, Sweden I. S. OenH. HelmersU. Wiklander Aufsätze Pages: 182 - 194
Geochemical facies model of ore formation in the Grythyttan-Hällefors area, Bergslagen, Central Sweden Marek A. Zakrzewski Aufsätze Pages: 195 - 205
A model for the formation of the iron, manganese and sulphide ores of central Sweden Rudyard Frietsch Aufsätze Pages: 206 - 212
The geological context of molybdenum occurrences in the Southern Norrbotten Region, Northern Sweden G. WalserÖ. Einarsson Aufsätze Pages: 213 - 229
The Precambrian of Finnish Lapland: Evolution and regime of metamorphism Michael RaithPeter RaasePaul Karl Hörmann Aufsätze Pages: 230 - 244
Prograde metamorphic zoning in amphibolite facies pelitic gneisses from Kemiö, Southwest Finland Eugène J. L. Dietvorst Aufsätze Pages: 245 - 262
Petrology of the alkaline rocks around Sivamalai, Coimbatore District, Tamilnadu, India B. Bhaskar Rao Aufsätze Pages: 263 - 279
The Archean Craton of Southern India: Metamorphic evolution and P-T conditions M. RaithP. RaaseR. K. Lal Aufsätze Pages: 280 - 290
Archaean and Lower Proterozoic units in Central Brazil José Caruso M. DanniReinhardt A. FuckOthon H. Leonardos Aufsätze Pages: 291 - 317
Fuchsite-aluminium silicate rocks in archaean greenstone belts: Are they metamorphosed alunite deposits? W. Schreyer Aufsätze Pages: 347 - 360
Significance of late Precambrian turbidite sequences bordering the East Antarctic Shield Franz Tessensohn Aufsätze Pages: 361 - 369
Salt stocks as natural analogues of Archaean gneiss diapirs W. M. Schwerdtner Aufsätze Pages: 370 - 379