Stromatolites and sabkha cycles from the Lower Fars Formation (Miocene) of Iraq Mudhar G. ShawkatMaurice E. Tucker Aufsätze Pages: 1 - 14
Tectonic control of Late Pliocene molasse sedimentation in a portion of the Jhelum Re-Entrant, Pakistan C. F. VisserG. D. Johnson Aufsätze Pages: 15 - 37
Intraplate wrench deformation in Iran, Afghanistan and Western Pakistan Colin J. Holcombe Aufsätze Pages: 37 - 48
Stratigraphy and provenance of Late Palaeozoic diamictites in parts of Garhwal Lesser Himalaya, India A. K. JainN. Varadaraj Aufsätze Pages: 49 - 72
Filling of the Late Palaeozoic continental basins in the Bohemian Massif as a record of their palaeogeographical development V. HolubR. Tásler Aufsätze Pages: 91 - 109
Revision of the stratigraphy of Permian and supposed Permian rocks of Southern Scotland M. E. Brookfield Aufsätze Pages: 110 - 149
Die Grödener Schichten (Perm, Südalpen). Sedimentologische und geochemische Untersuchungen zur Unterscheidung mariner und kontinentaler Sedimente Werner Buggisch Aufsätze Pages: 149 - 180
Detailed analysis of tectonic levels in the Appalachian Piedmont Villard S. Griffin Jr. Aufsätze Pages: 180 - 201
Geological framework of the Brazilian continental margin F. C. PonteH. E. Asmus Aufsätze Pages: 201 - 235
U/Pb radiochronology of two granitic plutons from the eastern Cordillera (Peru) — Extent of Permian magmatic activity and consequences J. R. LancelotG. LaubacherU. Renaud Aufsätze Pages: 236 - 243
Ein Beitrag zur Vulkanologie Süd-Perus M. WeibelM. Frangipane-GyselJ. Hunziker Aufsätze Pages: 243 - 252
Correlations entre les mineralisations du Sud-Peruvien et les teneurs en elements traces desroches eruptives Jean AmosseEtienne Audebaud Aufsätze Pages: 253 - 270
Distinguishing between inter-kinematic and syn-kinematic porphyroblastesis N. Ø. Olesen Aufsätze Pages: 278 - 287
Porphyroblast-matrix microstructural relationships in deformed metamorphic rocks R. H. Vernon Aufsätze Pages: 288 - 305
Le problème de l'interprétation des directions «a» déterminées par l'étude des linéations déformées Jean -Pierre Brun Aufsätze Pages: 305 - 313
Neosomes of polyphase agmatites as time-markers in complexly deformed migmatites A. M. HopgoodD. R. Bowes Aufsätze Pages: 313 - 330
Structure of the larvikite-lardalite complex, Oslo-region, Norway, and its evolution Jon Steen Petersen Aufsätze Pages: 330 - 342
Scapolite-bearing and related calc-silicate layers from the alpujarride series. (Betic cordilleras of Southern Spain). A discussion on their origin and some comments R. L. Torres-Roldan Aufsätze Pages: 342 - 355