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Soft Computing

A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications

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Soft Computing - Call for Papers: Advancements in fuzzy decision systems for optimized and adaptive execution in smart manufacturing


Technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data etc. have started to revolutionize the manufacturing process into smart and efficient processes. Above all, the decisions that are traditionally carried out in a manufacturing setup are liable to judgmental errors and inadequacy due to the limited amount of information that can be processed while taking a decision. Hence there always has been a gap in implementing algorithm-based processes in the decision-making systems and fuzzy logic is an efficient way of doing that. Although the fuzzy decision approaches are not the only ones in the exhaustive list of technological solutions, other approaches face one or the other type of limitation when it comes to effectively taking decisions in a dynamic and complex smart manufacturing environment. For instance, the multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) models are incapable of reusing data and experience gained from past projects further, rule-based knowledge approaches require constant up gradation in the data collected through expert opinions and surveys, case-based knowledge approaches fail to consider various rules, and knowledge acquisition model is subjective in nature.

Topics of Interest
The topics of interest for this SI include, but are not limited to:

  • Information theory
  • Fuzzy information measures
  • Intuitionistic fuzzy sets
  • Aggregation operators
  • Fuzzy graph theory
  • Fuzzy Set Theory
  • Directed Graphs
  • Graph Theory
  • Network Theory (graphs)
  • Number Theory
  • Decision Making
  • Deep Learning (artificial intelligence)
  • Cloud Computing
  • Genetic Algorithms
  • Image Segmentation
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Virtual Machines


  • All papers will be peer-reviewed. Before any special issue is given final approval to be put into production, additional rigorous integrity checks are carried out by the Editor-in-Chief, Special Issues Assistant Editor, Editorial Team, Production Office and by Springer Nature.
  •  Authors should follow the formatting and submission instructions for Soft Computing:
  • During the first submission step in Editorial Manager select 'Original article' as the article type. In further steps you should confirm that your submission belongs to this special issue by choosing the special issue title from the drop-down menu.
  • Submissions should be original papers and should not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Guest Editors

Dr. Rajkumar Verma (Lead Guest Editor)
Assistant Researcher
Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universidad de Talca, Chile.

Dr. Broumi Said
Laboratory of Information Processing, Faculty of Science Ben M’Sik, University Hassan II, Casablanca

Prof. Junzo Watada
Full Professor with the Department of Computer and Information Sciences, Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia, and a Professor Emeritus with Waseda University, Japan.
