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Construction Robotics - Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2023

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles in 2023, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have been published in the journal. We hope that you will find the articles interesting.

Eggshell Pavilion: a reinforced concrete structure fabricated using robotically 3D printed formwork by Joris Burger, Petrus Aejmelaeus-Lindström, Seyma Gürel, Filip Niketić, Ena Lloret-Fritschi, Robert J. Flatt, Fabio Gramazio & Matthias Kohler 

Non-planar granular 3D printing by Barrak Darweesh, Maria Paz Gutierrez & Simon Schleicher

A guided approach for utilizing concrete robotic 3D printing for the architecture, engineering, and construction industry by John-John Cabibihan, Aya Gaballa, Fodil Fadli, Mohammad Irshidat, Elsadig Mahdi, Nimish Biloria, Zeyad Mansour & Houssam Abdulrazak 

Cobot uptake in construction: embedding collaborative robots in digital construction processes by Maximilian Schöberl, Adrian Huber, Sebastian Kreppold, Johannes Dirnaichner, Stephan Kessler & Johannes Fottner 

“Imagine and make”: teaching construction robotics for higher education students by Zoubeir Lafhaj, Wassim AlBalkhy & Thomas Linner

Projector-based augmented stacking framework for irregularly shaped objects by Andrea Settimi, Qianqing Wang, Edward Andò, Julien Gamerro, Katrin Beyer & Yves Weinand 

Minimal machines: augmented reality for filament-construction of partially ordered systems in architecture by Elaine Bonavia, Jessica Farmer, Alexandre Mballa-Ekobena, Nikolai Rosenthal, Laurence Douny & Karola Dierichs

Insights into automation of construction process using parallel-kinematic manipulators by M. Klöckner, M. Haage, H. Eriksson, H. Malm, K. Nilsson, A. Robertsson & R. Andersson 

Excavation pits—progress estimation and cause of delay identification by Axel Vierling, Tobias Groll, Dennis Meckel, Kristina Heim, Daniel Walter, Karsten Körkemeyer &  Karsten Berns 

Path planning for graded concrete element fabrication by Boris Blagojevic & Oliver Sawodny
