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Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics - Announcement: Journal of the Indian Society for Probability and Statistics has been accepted for Scopus!

Congratulations! The Scopus Content Selection & Advisory Board (CSAB) has reviewed the journal's application and approved it for coverage. 
+ The journal consistently includes articles that are academically sound and relevant to an international audience in the field. 
+ The journal has scholarly relevance as evidenced by citations in other journals currently covered by Scopus.
+ The articles are consistently of high academic quality, consistent with the journal’s stated aims.
+ This title addresses a subject area not sufficiently covered by existing journals from India. 

However, the content will not appear on the Scopus site for 6-9 months, as it takes some time for them to prepare the data feed to receive content. Because of this, the A&I services on our journal website will only be updated after the data feed is set up.
