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Pulmonary Therapy
Publishing model:
Open access

Pulmonary Therapy - Patient Involvement in Pulmonary Therapy

In response to the growing need for expressing the patient voice through scientific publishing, Pulmonary Therapy launched a collection of ‘Patient and Physician Perspective’ commentary articles in 2018. Since, the journal has received a number of these articles, each discussing different indications and providing a platform for a unique patient experience.

Generally, these articles are divided into two overarching sections – the patient authored section (describing, for instance, quality of life issues, treatment history and generally whatever is important to the patient and their journey), and the physician authored section (responding the patient’s piece, providing insight from the published research and putting this into context). The managing editor has commissioned the majority of these articles, however, we do consider unsolicited Patient and Physician Perspective articles. All pre-submission enquires can be directed to the managing editor (see ‘contact the journal’) The complete collection can be viewed here:

We are also pleased to announce the recruitment of our first patient/ patient advocate Editorial Board member, Ella Balasa. The role of the patient Editorial Board member will develop over the course of 2021, however, Ella will be involved in advising the journals team in regards to patient-authored content and peer review.
