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Glass Structures & Engineering - Top 10 Downloaded Articles 2023

We want to thank the authors of our most-downloaded articles in 2023, and highlight to our readers some of the most impactful research to have been published in the journal. We hope that you will find the articles interesting.

Mapping the flat glass value-chain: a material flow analysis and energy balance of UK production, by Rebecca Hartwell, Graham Coult, Mauro Overend

Glass up-casting: a review on the current challenges in glass recycling and a novel approach for recycling “as-is” glass waste into volumetric glass components, by Telesilla Bristogianni, Faidra Oikonomopoulou

The new CEN/TS 19100: Design of glass structures, by Markus Feldmann et al.

Make or break the loop: a cross-practitioners review of glass circularity, by Esther Geboes, Waldo Galle, Niels Temmerman

Performance of cable-supported glass façades under time-depending wind action, by Fabio Rizzo, Chiara Bedon

In situ detection of product age and argon concentration as measure of the re-use potential of insulating glass units in buildings, by E. J. Nieuwenhuijzen, J. I. A. Tetteroo, M. Vliet, E. Melet

Measurement of heat flow through vacuum insulating glass part 1: measurement area in direct thermal contact with specimen, by Cenk Kocer, Antti Aronen, Richard Collins, Osamu Asano, Yumi Ogiso

Structural behaviour and micro-structural characteristics of coloured kilned glass panels, by Vlad-Alexandru Silvestru, Rena Giesecke, Benjamin Dillenburger

Glass and the energy crisis, by J. Schneider, J. Belis, C. Louter, J. H. Nielsen, M. Overend

Measurement of heat flow through vacuum insulating glass part 2: measurement area separated from glass sheets with buffer plates, by Cenk Kocer, Antti Aronen, Richard Collins, Osamu Asano, Yumi Ogiso
