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Tropical Plant Pathology - Disease Profile Collection: Call for Papers!

New Content Item9 Feb 2022

Emerging diseases pose a threat to food and cash crops critical for global food security, which depends on an effective management of plant diseases. 

In this Collection we invite authors to submit reviews on important, particularly emerging plant diseases of impact to global agricultural and forest production in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world.

Disease Profiles are expected to include the following topics (but are not limited to them):

- Significance and impact
- Causal agent
- Symptomatology
- Disease cycle
- Epidemiology
- Management strategies
- Challenges and future directions

Go to the Collection page and see the articles published so far.

Manuscripts should be formatted according to the journal’s submission guidelines and submitted via the online submission system.

Authors should mention in the cover letter that they are submitting to the Disease Profile Collection.

For more information on the scope of this Collection or for questions related to it, please contact the journal.
