Role of seminal prostaglandins in male fertility. II. Effects of prostaglandin synthesis inhibition on spermatogenesis in man D. ConteM. NordioA. Isidori OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 289 - 291
International Meeting on Hormonal Therapy of Prostatic Diseases: Basic and Clinical Aspects Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 292 - 292
Colloid droplet accumulation precedes the enhancement of 6-keto-PGF 1 α release from the thyrotropin-stimulated thyroid gland M. PawlikowskiA. LewinskiB. Muszynska OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 293 - 295
II International Diabetes Conference: Vascular and Neurologic Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 296 - 296
LRFD6ahas a dose-related stimulatory or inhibitory effect on the ovary in normal luteal phase women E. R. BarneaR. MaheuxF. Naftolin OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 297 - 302
Coated vesicles from the thyroid gland: isolation, characterization, and a search for a possible role in thyroglobulin transport L. R. PierceC. ZurzoloH. Edelhoch OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 303 - 312
Plasma testosterone, estradiol, progesterone and 17-hydroxy-progesterone responses to single-dose stimulation with human chorionic gonadotropin in chronic male alcoholics G. GattiP. BertelloA. Angeli OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 313 - 319
XII Meeting of the International Study Group for Steroid Hormones Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 320 - 320
Effect of unilateral or bilateral thyroidectomy on TRH content of hypothalamus halves I. GerendaiA. NemeskériA. Tixier-Vidal OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 321 - 323
First International Congress on Gynecological Endocrinology Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 324 - 324
Short-term effects of ovariectomy: the opioid control of LH secretion in fertile climateric and postmenopausal women F. PetragliaG. ComitiniA. R. Genazzani OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 325 - 330
The prognostic value of thyroid function tests in predominantly non-alcoholic cirrhotic patients: a prospective investigation Girolamo D’AzzòG. B. PinzelloA. Jannì OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 331 - 336
Effects of melatonin on PRL secretion during different photoperiods of the day in prepubertal and pubertal healthy subjects R. MauriP. LissoniFranco Fraschini OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 337 - 341
International Congress on Hypothalamic Dysfunction in Neuropsychiatry Disorders Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 342 - 342
Regional distribution of nuclear T3 receptors in rat brain and evidence for preferential localization in neurons1 J. RuelR. FaureJean H. Dussault OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 343 - 348
Immunoreactive prolactin like material in the urine of women V. GhuysenJ. R. Van CauwenbergePaul Franchimont OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 349 - 355
Pseudotumor cerebri and thyroid-replacement therapy in patients affected by differentiated thyroid carcinoma N. PanzaM. De RosaM. Salvatore Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 357 - 358
A case of mucinous cystadenocarcinoma of the ovary associated with virilization: pre and post-operative steroid plasma levels Daniela MangoP. ScirpaE. Menini Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 359 - 362
Persistence of a circadian rhythmicity of glucocorticoid secretion in a patient with Cushing’s syndrome: study before and after unilateral adrenalectomy B. AmbrosiE. RivaG. Faglia Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 363 - 367
Adipsic hypematremia in a patient with pseudotumor cerebri and the primary empty sella syndrome E. VerdinSimon SmitzA. Luyckx Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 369 - 372
Dopamine decreases release of luteinizing hormone releasing hormone from superfused rat mediobasal hypothalamus K. TasakaA. MiyakeT. Aono Comment 02 April 2014 Pages: 373 - 376
Testosterone and calcitonin plasma levels in hypogonadal osteoporotic young men Carlo ForestaG. P. ZanattaC. Scandellari Short Communication 02 April 2014 Pages: 377 - 379
Multifactorial control of the 24-hour secretory profiles of pituitary hormones Eve Van CauterS. Refetoff Review Article 02 April 2014 Pages: 381 - 391
Factitious hypermineralocorticoidism due to transdermal application of a 9-alpha-prednisolone containing ointment R. PedrinelliA. LucariniA. Salvetti Letter to the Editor 02 April 2014 Pages: 393 - 394
International Symposium: Calcitonin 1988 Chemistry, Physiology, Pharmacology and Clinical Aspects Announcement 02 April 2014 Pages: 395 - 395