Apoptosis and PCNA expression induced by prolactin in structural involution of the rat corpus luteum T. KiyaT. EndoH. R. Behrman OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 276 - 283
Effect of surgery and radiotherapy on visual and endocrine function in nonfunctioning pituitary adenomas A. ColaoG. CerboneG. Lombardi OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 284 - 290
Lack of effect of the dopamine D1 antagonist, NNC 01-0687, on unstimulated and stimulated release of anterior pituitary hormones in males E. GrodumM. AndersenC. Hagen OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 291 - 297
Pituitary apoplexy in acromegaly, a long-term follow-up study in two patients F. RoelfsemaG. van den BergS. M. Pincus OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 298 - 303
Typical hormonal profiles are accompanied by increased immunoreactivity of theca folliculi steroid 17α-hydroxylase P450 in polycystic ovary syndrome K. KatulskiS. BornsteinW. H. Trzeciak OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 304 - 309
Effects of long-term pravastatin treatment on spermatogenesis and on adrenal and testicular steroidogenesis in male hypercholesterolemic patients G. P. BerniniG. BrogiA. Salvetti OriginalPaper 09 April 2014 Pages: 310 - 317
Urinary free deoxypyridinoline levels during childhood A. ContiS. FerreroA. Sartorio Comment 09 April 2014 Pages: 318 - 322
Extreme but asymptomatic hypergastrinemia with gastroparesis in a young woman with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus M. CarantoniA. AvogaroR. Fellin Case Report 09 April 2014 Pages: 323 - 328
Cushing’s syndrome complicated by multiple opportunistic infections R. C. BakkerP. R. J. GallasW. M. Wiersinga Case Report 09 April 2014 Pages: 329 - 333
Graves’ disease after percutaneous ethanol injection for the treatment of autonomous thyroid adenoma G. Verde Letter to the Editor 09 April 2014 Pages: 334 - 335
Società Italiana di Endocrinologia XXII Giornate Endocrinologiche Pisane Pisa, September 21–23, 1998 Announcement 09 April 2014 Pages: 336 - 336