Arginine enhances the growth hormone-releasing activity of a synthetic hexapeptide (GHRP-6) in elderly but not in young subjects after oral administration E. GhigoE. ArvatF. Camanni OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 157 - 162
Demonstration of thyrotropin binding sites in orbital connective tissue: Possible role in the pathogenesis of thyroid-associated ophthalmopathy P. PerrosP. Kendall-Taylor OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 163 - 170
Short cycles of very low calorie diet in the therapy of obese type II diabetes mellitus Carlo M. RotellaB. CresciM. Serio OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 171 - 179
International Meeting on Advances in Neuroendocrinology and Neurosurgery Announcements 02 April 2014 Pages: 180 - 180
Nycthemeral patterns of thyroid hormones and their relationships with thyrotropin variations and sleep structure B. GoichotG. BrandenbergerM. Follenius OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 181 - 187
Hanseatic Endocrine Conference Tissue Prorenin-Renin-Angiotensin System: Local Regulatory Actions in Reproductive and Endocrine Organs Announcements 02 April 2014 Pages: 188 - 188
Pulsatile secretion of thyrotropin in children Sandro LocheV. CherubiniC. Pintor OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 189 - 193
The use of flutamide in the management of hirsutism Mario MarugoD. BernasconiB. Badaracco OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 195 - 199
Identification of the Cys634->Tyr mutation of the RET proto-oncogene in a pedigree with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A and localized cutaneous lichen amyloidosis Isabella CecheriniC. RomeiG. Romeo OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 201 - 204
Identical HLA antigens in two sisters with MEN IIA syndrome B. BiondiE. CosentiniGaetano Lombardi Letter to the Editor 02 April 2014 Pages: 205 - 206
The granin protein family: Markers for neuroendocrine cells and tools for the diagnosis of neuroendocrine tumors Patrizia RosaH. H. Gerdes Review Article 02 April 2014 Pages: 207 - 225