The duration of prolactin secretory bursts from the pituitary is independent from both prolactin and gonadal steroid plasma levels in women and in men A. D. GenazzaniF. PetragliaA. R. Genazzani OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 83 - 89
Responses to gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist and antagonist administration in patients with gonadotroph cell adenomas Ph. ChansonN. LahlouPh. Bouchard OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 91 - 98
Usefulness of thyrotropin-releasing hormone test, SMS 201–995, and bromocriptine in the diagnosis and treatment of gonadotropin-secreting pituitary adenomas C. BlancoT. LucasJ. Estrada OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 99 - 104
Cross-reactive antibodies in the serum of balb/c mice immunized with thyroid or eye muscle membranes J. R. WallH. TrillerN. Bernard OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 105 - 112
Low doses of either intravenously or orally administered arginine are able to enhance growth hormone response to growth hormone releasing hormone in elderly subjects E. GhigoG. P. CedaFranco Camanni OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 113 - 117
Homology of calcitonin with the amyloid-related proteins S. BenvengaFrancesco TrimarchiA. Facchiano OriginalPaper 02 April 2014 Pages: 119 - 122
The efficacy of percutaneous tetracycline instillation for sclerosis of recurrent thyroid cysts: A multivariate analysis Rajata RajatanavinL. ChailurkitS. Chiemchanya Comment 02 April 2014 Pages: 123 - 125
Hanseatic Endocrine Conference Tissue Prorenin-Renin-Angiotensin System: Local Regulatory Actions in Reproductive and Endocrine Organs Announcements 02 April 2014 Pages: 126 - 126
Isolated adrenocorticotropic hormone deficiency due to probable lymphocytic hypophysitis in a man H. Escobar-MorrealeJ. Serrano-GotarredonaC. Varela Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 127 - 131
Mycobacterium avium intracellulare suppurative thyroiditis in a patient with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis J. R. RobillonJean-Louis SadoulP. Freychef Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 133 - 134
Long-term treatment of Nelson’s syndrome by octreotide: A case report L. PetriniM. GasperiEnio Martino Case Report 02 April 2014 Pages: 135 - 139
International Symposium on Paracrine and Autocrine Signals in the Hypothalamic Pituitary Complex: Role of Vasopressin and CRF Announcements 02 April 2014 Pages: 140 - 140
Cytokines as mediators in the regulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenocortical function Junichi FukataH. ImuraK. Nakao Review Article 02 April 2014 Pages: 141 - 155