Dissociated effect of buserelin on luteinizing hormone (LH) and alpha subunit in men Giorgio ValentiL. DentiA. Negro-Vilar OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 459 - 467
II International Symposium on the Immunotherapy of Type I Diabetes Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 468 - 468
Effects of active immunization against L-triiodothyronine on serum thyrotropin levels and liver mitochondrial α-glycerophosphate dehydrogenase activity in rats: evidence for reduced hormone disposal to cells G. CostanteD. CrupiF. Trimarchi OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 469 - 474
GHRH-test in short children with “non classic” GH deficiency. A comparison with “classic” GH deficiency and short normal stature Giuseppe SaggeseG. CesarettiR. Di Porto OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 475 - 480
Analysis of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis in the neonatally-androgenized female rat Eduardo SpinediV. MarianiH. Scaglia OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 481 - 488
HLA-DR4 associated response to corticosteroids in Graves’ ophthalmopathy patients R. van der GaagW. M. WiersingaJ. D’Amaro OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 489 - 492
The effect of methimazole on the immune system is unlikely to operate directly on T lymphocytes M. BagnascoD. VenutiG. W. Canonica OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 493 - 499
III Ibero-Latin-American- Forum of Andrology Vi Course in Surgical Andrology Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 500 - 500
Calcitonin secretion rate in elderly normal subjects M. PedrazzoniG. CiottiM. Passeri OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 501 - 505
Symposium on Cushing’s Syndrome: Current Clinical Problems Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 506 - 506
IV Meeting of the Italian Society of Physiopathology of Reproduction Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 506 - 506
V European Workshop on “Pituitary Adenomas: New Trends in Basic and Clinical Research” Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 506 - 506
Inhibitory effects of centrally administered |ASU1–7| eel calcitonin on basal and stimulated prolactin release in rats V. SibiliaC. NettiA. Pecile OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 507 - 511
III Conference of the International Society for the Investigation of Stress (ISIS) Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 512 - 512
A reappraisal of the role of methimazole and other factors on the efficacy and outcome of radioiodine therapy of Graves’ hyperthyroidism Claudio MarcocciD. GianchecchiA. Pinchera OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 513 - 520
Spontaneous regression of anterior pituitary deficits in a woman harboring a persistent hypothalamic mass Janet A. AmicoS. L. MiaskiewiczW. L. Hirsch Case Report 04 April 2014 Pages: 521 - 525
International Coordination Office of Pediatric Endocrine Societies (Copes) Announcement 04 April 2014 Pages: 526 - 526
Amiodarone-induced thyrotoxicosis suggestive of thyroid damage Michel LambertJ. UngerD. Gangji Case Report 04 April 2014 Pages: 527 - 530
A case of pseudo-Nelson’s syndrome: cure of ACTH hypersecretion by removal of a bronchial carcinoid tumor responsible for Cushing’s syndrome Jean-Daniel LalauD. VieauJ. Quichaud Case Report 04 April 2014 Pages: 531 - 537
Effect of acipimox, a lipid lowering drug, on growth hormone (GH) response to GH-releasing hormone in normal subjects A. E. PontiroliR. LanziG. Pozza Comment 04 April 2014 Pages: 539 - 542