Effects on school children of prophylaxis of mothers with iodized oil in an area of iodine deficiency R. Fierro-BenitezR. CazarE. Estrella OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 327 - 335
C-peptide in non-alcoholic cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma K. K. PunP. W. M. HoR. T. T. Yeung OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 337 - 343
Des-acetyl-α-MSH and not α-MSH is the major form of α-MSH in amniotic fluid A. MauriAntonio ArgiolasG. L. Gessa OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 345 - 349
Induction of estradiol dehydrogenase activity in human uterine endometrium by synthetic steroids Jo KitawakiT. YamamotoH. Okada OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 351 - 354
Furosemide, fenclofenac, diclofenac, mefenamic acid and meclofenamic acid inhibit specific T3 binding in isolated rat hepatic nuclei D. J. ToplissP. S. HamblinJ. R. Stockigt OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 355 - 360
Correlation between endometrial biopsy and luteal phase plasma progesterone in women complaining for couple infertility Ivo NociV. DubiniG. Scarselli OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 361 - 363
Metergoline, naloxone, and sodium valproate did not modify arginine vasopressin response to insulin-induced hypoglycemia in man Paolo ChioderaA. GnudiV. Coiro OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 365 - 369
Long term thyroid function after subtotal thyroidectomy for Graves’ disease Benedetto BusnardoM. E. GirelliC. Betterle OriginalPaper 04 April 2014 Pages: 371 - 374
Development of isolated ACTH deficiency in a man with type I diabetes mellitus Andrea GiustinaR. CandrinaG. Romanelli Case Report 04 April 2014 Pages: 375 - 377
Tolerance of the oral Clonidine test in 75 pediatric patients R. De AngelisC. PelliniB. di Natale Comment 04 April 2014 Pages: 379 - 382
Mass screening for hyperprolactinemia and prolactinoma in men Akira MiyakeM. IkegamiT. Yoshikawa Comment 04 April 2014 Pages: 383 - 384
The effect of sulphydryl reagents on the human thyroid microsomal antigen A. GardasH. Domek Short Communication 04 April 2014 Pages: 385 - 388
Retinal laser photocoagulation in diabetic patients causes prolactin, growth hormone and cortisol release A. E. PontiroliG. BaioG. Pozza Short Communication 04 April 2014 Pages: 389 - 391
Delayed control of iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis with a thionamide after KCIO4 withdrawal Letter to the Editor 04 April 2014 Pages: 393 - 393