Keratohyalin granules are heterogeneous in ridged and non-ridged human skin: evidence from anti-filaggrin immunogold labelling of normal skin and skin of autosomal dominant ichthyosis vulgaris patients S. GünzelB. WeidenthalerI. Anton-Lamprecht Original Contributions Pages: 421 - 432
Quantitative analysis of contact sites between mast cells and sensory nerves in cutaneous psoriasis and lichen planus based on a histochemical double staining technique A. NaukkarinenI. T. HarvimaM. Horsmanheimo Original Contributions Pages: 433 - 437
The ultrastructure of congenital naevocytic naevi B. V. SchneiderU. W. Schnyder Original Contributions Pages: 438 - 444
Human papillomavirus infection in vulvar lesions of lichen sclerosus et atrophicus P. KieneK. Milde-LangoschT. Löning Original Contributions Pages: 445 - 448
Defects in antioxidant defense and calcium transport in the epidermis of xeroderma pigmentosum patients K. U. SchallreuterM. R. PittelkowJ. M. Wood Original Contributions Pages: 449 - 455
Effects of tiflucarbine as a dual protein kinase C/calmodulin antagonist on proliferation of human keratinocytes and release of reactive oxygen species from human leukocytes L. HegemannR. FruchtmannL. A. A. van Rooijen Original Contributions Pages: 456 - 460
Response of scleroderma fibroblasts to various growth factors K. TakeharaY. SomaY. Ishibashi Original Contributions Pages: 461 - 464
Normal psoriatic epidermis expression of hyperproliferation-associated keratins M. ThewesR. StadlerD. Mischke Original Contributions Pages: 465 - 471
Psoriasis and psoriasiform eruptions associated with propranolol — the role of an immunological mechanism S. HalevyE. Livni Short Communications Pages: 472 - 473
Oxidative activity associated with a network of dendritic cells in the human epidermis P. W. LedgerB. L. KlarichM. Cormier Short Communications Pages: 474 - 475
Effects of testosterone, dihydrotestosterone and estradiol on growth of human hair outer root sheath keratinocytes in vitro F. KiesewetterA. AraiH. Schell Short Communications Pages: 476 - 479
Keratin 17: a useful marker in anti-psoriatic therapies E. M. G. J. de JongI. M. M. J. van VlijmenP. C. M. van de Kerkhof Short Communications Pages: 480 - 482
Stability of anthralin in liposomal phospholipids G. MahrleB. BonnekohW. Wiegrebe Short Communications Pages: 483 - 484
The effect of limb oedema and compressive bandaging on postural vasoconstriction in humans M. GniadeckaR. GniadeckiJ. Serup Short Communications Pages: 485 - 486
Use of a surface recovery technique to evaluate percutaneous absorption of 5-methoxypsoralen in humans P. TreffelP. HumbertP. Agache Short Communications Pages: 487 - 489