State of leukocyte adhesiveness/aggregation in the peripheral blood of pemphigus and psoriatic patients A. FilhaberS. BerlinerM. David Original Contributions Pages: 519 - 520
Three-dimensional visualization of human Langerhans' cells using confocal scanning laser microscopy A. ScheyniusP. Lundahl Original Contributions Pages: 521 - 525
Stimulation of the recruitment of epidermal Langerhans cells by splenopentin S. GrunerW. DiezelG. J. Anhalt Original Contributions Pages: 526 - 529
Cultivation of keratinocytes derived from epidermal explants of sheep skin and the roles of growth factors in the regulation of proliferation P. PisansarakitD. du CrosG. P. M. Moore Original Contributions Pages: 530 - 535
Cyclosporin A administration in dermatology: Once a day or in fractional doses? M. J. Korstanje Short Communications Pages: 536 - 537
Histological defects of chronic benign familial pemphigus expressed in tissue culture M. RegnierJ -P OrtonneM. Darmon Short Communications Pages: 538 - 540
Histochemical aspects of stratum corneum function in the feline foot pad W. MeyerT. BartelsK. Neurand Short Communications Pages: 541 - 543
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) in cooperation with “Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschft” Organizers, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dermatologische Forschung (ADF) Abstract Pages: 544 - 591