Gene diagnosis in X-linked ichthyosis F. H. HerrmannB. WirthA. Gal Original Contributions Pages: 457 - 461
The 55-kd keratohyalin granule protein has the same epitope as the 43-kd stratum corneum membrane protein: immunofluorescence and immunoblotting studies using a monoclonal antibody to the 55-kd keratohyalin granule protein T. TezukaM. Takahashi Original Contributions Pages: 462 - 468
Degradation of human epidermal keratin by cod trypsin and extracts of fish intestines S. BjellandK. HjelmelandG. Volden Original Contributions Pages: 469 - 473
Effect of dithranol treatment on arachidonic acid and its lipoxygenase products in psoriasis R. M. BarrE. WongM. W. Greaves Original Contributions Pages: 474 - 476
Studies of polymorphonuclear migration into psoriatic skin using a new in vivo method B. GuillotM. CoupeJ. J. Guilhou Original Contributions Pages: 477 - 480
Membrane responses of B-16 melanoma cells to single exposure to ultraviolet light R. OguraM. SugiyamaY. Kon Original Contributions Pages: 481 - 486
Side gland of Suncus murinus as a new model of sebaceous gland: 5α-reductase, androgen receptor, and nuclear androgen content in male and female animals S. KomadaS. ItamiS. Takayasu Original Contributions Pages: 487 - 493
Normal IgA production by peripheral blood lymphocytes in dermatitis herpetiformis and linear IgA dermatosis F. WojnarowskaS. Perl Short Communications Pages: 494 - 496
Immunhistochemical localization of calmodulin in normal and psoriatic epidermis U. WollinaR. KlingerB. Knopf Short Communications Pages: 497 - 498
Decreased levels of vitamin A in serum of patients with psoriasis S. MajewskiP. JanikI. Sawicki Short Communications Pages: 499 - 501