Clinical and biological studies of 26 cases of xeroderma pigmentosum in Northeast District of Japan T. KatoH. AkibaA. Oikawa Original Contributions Pages: 1 - 7
The genetic basis of porphyria cutanea tarda R. Enriquez de SalamancaA. OlmosJ. Perpiñá Original Contributions Pages: 8 - 12
Mitogenic effects of sera from normal and psoriatic subjects on human skin fibroblasts G. C. PriestleyL. W. Adams Original Contributions Pages: 13 - 15
Serum angiotensin-converting enzyme in sarcoidosis and psoriasis K. Thestrup-PedersenF. K. RømerH. Brodthagen Original Contributions Pages: 16 - 18
Distribution of T-cell subpopulations in the peripheral blood of patients with erythrodermic psoriasis R. WillemzeW. J. M. DamsteegC. J. L. M. Meijer Original Contributions Pages: 19 - 23
Lymphopenia and abnormal balance of T-lymphocyte subpopulations in toxic epidermal necrolysis J. C. RoujeauS. MoritzR. Touraine Original Contributions Pages: 24 - 27
The sensitizing capacity of Compositae plants W. ZellerM. de GolsB. M. Hausen Original Contributions Pages: 28 - 35
Immunocytoma of the skin simulating lymphadenosis benigna cutis S. C. J. van der PutteJ. ToonstraJ. A. M. van Unnik Original Contributions Pages: 36 - 43
Electron microscopic study on Langerhans cells and related cells in lymph nodes of DNCB-sensitive mice Y. SonodaS. AsanoS. Sagami Original Contributions Pages: 44 - 54
Synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and collagen in skin fibroblasts cultured from a patient with lichen myxedematosus H. TurakainenM. VälimäkiR. Penttinen Original Contributions Pages: 55 - 59
Effects of histamine on collagen synthesis by cultured fibroblasts derived from guinea pig skin A. HatamochiK. FujiwaraH. Ueki Original Contributions Pages: 60 - 64
Lectin-binding pattern in extramammary Paget's disease by horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeling method —Specific staining with Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA) Y. OokusaK. TakataH. Hirano Original Contributions Pages: 65 - 70
Effects of single-stranded DNA on circulating immune complexes in SLE sera detected by C1q solid-phase assay F. FurukawaK. SekitaY. Hamashima Original Contributions Pages: 71 - 74
Nonlinear behaviour of anti-dsDNA antibodies in dilution experiments using ultramicro ELISA U. Wollina Short Communications Pages: 75 - 76
Relationship between the hair growth cycle and the intensity of lymphocyte-induced angiogenesis in mouse skin S. MajewskiG. TokarskiS. Moskalewski Short Communications Pages: 77 - 78