The effect of antifungal agents on pancreatic and gastric secretion in rats Yoon-Kee ParkSungnack LeeSa Suk Hong Original Works Pages: 103 - 108
Abnormal fibrous protein isolated from the stratum corneum of a patient with bullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma (BCIE) Hideoki OgawaMichihiro HattoriYasumasa Ishibashi OriginalPaper Pages: 109 - 116
The efficacy of histamine antagonists as antipruritics in experimentally induced pruritus M. G. DaviesR. MarksF. E. Storari OriginalPaper Pages: 117 - 120
Study of erythrocyte δ-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase activity in porphyria cutanea tarda N. SimonMária Kiss OriginalPaper Pages: 121 - 126
Soluble and insoluble collagen and elastin in the rat hair cycle Carla DivanoP. CardoSonia Pellerano OriginalPaper Pages: 135 - 141
Ultrastructural aspects of normolipidemic xanthomatosis J. FerrandoJ. A. Bombí OriginalPaper Pages: 143 - 159
Comparative histological studies of regional lymph nodes of 201 melanoma patients Frank Weidner OriginalPaper Pages: 161 - 175
The phospholipid pattern in the involved and the uninvolved psoriatic epidermis Dionysios TsambaosGustav Mahrle OriginalPaper Pages: 177 - 180
Radioimmunologische Bestimmung von Dehydroepiandrosteron und 5-Androsten-3ß,17ß-diol im Plasma von Psoriatikern und Kontrollpersonen B. MorschesP. BenesH. Holzmann OriginalPaper Pages: 181 - 185
A specific ultrastructural marker for disseminated lipogranulomatosis (Farber) Christian SchmoeckelMichael Hohlfed OriginalPaper Pages: 187 - 196
Das LE-Zellphänomen Neue molekularbiologische und immuncytologische Aspekte Ralf BauerRegina Schütz OriginalPaper Pages: 197 - 204
Immunoelectron-microscopical localization of in vivo-bound complement C3 in bullous pemphigoid with the use of the peroxidase-antiperoxidase multistep technique Wojciech MaciejewskiOtto Braun-FalcoReiner Scherer OriginalPaper Pages: 205 - 211
HLA-SD antigens in progressive systemic sclerosis Mario GiordanoDaniela MagríRaffaello De Biasi Letters to the Editor Pages: 213 - 213