Treponema Pallidum in early syphilitic lesions in humans during high-dosage Penicillin therapy J. WeckeJ. BartunekG. Stüttgen OriginalPaper Pages: 1 - 15
Ultrastructural studies in Epidermolysis Bullosa Hereditaria. IV. Recessive dystrophic types with junctional blistering I. HashimotoT. Gedde-Dahl Jr.I. Anton-Lamprecht OriginalPaper Pages: 17 - 32
Intracutanteste mit Phytohämagglutinin (PHA) U. BreuerD. StraßburgerA. Greither OriginalPaper Pages: 33 - 45
Stimulation by melanocyte stimulating hormone and dibutyryl adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate of DNA synthesis in human melanocytes in vitro Yukio Kitano OriginalPaper Pages: 47 - 52
A comparative study of Nickel hypersensitivity by the lymphocyte transformation test in atopic and non-Atopic dermatitis C. W. KimE. Schöpf OriginalPaper Pages: 57 - 65
Feinstrukturelle untersuchungen zur pathogenese von hyperplasien und tumoren im bindegewebe der haut H. HeineG. Schaeg OriginalPaper Pages: 67 - 77
Der Leukocytenmigrations-inhibitions-test in der diagnostik des morbus Boeck F. R. DouwesR. Hanke OriginalPaper Pages: 79 - 87
Method of preparation and application of small quantities of semi-solid topicals Chapman LindsayRobert FeldmannHoward Maibach OriginalPaper Pages: 89 - 91
Xanthoma secondary to Reticulo-Histiocyte infiltration Akihiko SatoYoshio TanahashiYoshiaki Maruhama OriginalPaper Pages: 93 - 106
Skin Bromide Content and Bromide Excretion in Bromoderma Tuberosum K. HübnerE. ChristophersR. Helmer Archives for Dermatological Research Letters Pages: 109 - 112