Separation of deoxyribonucleases (DNases) of normal human stratum corneum and psoriatic scales by micro-disc-electrophoresis F. Jochen FörsterGottfried LeonhardiRudolf K. Zahn OriginalPaper Pages: 213 - 218
Lymphocyte timulation in the cellular inflammatory reaction of some human skin tumours Helmut PullmannGerd Klaus Steigleder OriginalPaper Pages: 219 - 224
Histophysiology of mast cells in skin and other organs Hartmut HeineF. Jochen Förster OriginalPaper Pages: 225 - 228
Cells with positive dopa — reaction in the infiltrate of basal cell epithelioma (bce) Helmut PullmannGerd Klaus Steigleder OriginalPaper Pages: 229 - 235
Contact radiotherapy of cutaneous hemangiomas Otto Braun-FalcoUrsula SchultzeHerbert Goldschmidt OriginalPaper Pages: 237 - 247
Dense bodies and langerhans granules after application of podophyllum resin L. Olmos OriginalPaper Pages: 277 - 285
Investigative studies of the dermatitis caused by the larva of the brown-tail moth(Euproctis chrysorrhoea Linn.) Marcel C. J. M. de JongEric BleuminkJohan P. Nater OriginalPaper Pages: 287 - 300
Isolation of single cell nuclei from human epidermis for cytophotometric DNA — measurements Dieter HaagCyrus TschaharganeVolker Ehemann OriginalPaper Pages: 301 - 310
(+)-Catechin effects on X-rays irradiated skin of rats Carla CiprianiEnrico RampiniGiuseppe Moretti OriginalPaper Pages: 311 - 318
Serum IgE-concentrations in patients with contact sensitization S. WelkeA. Schimpf OriginalPaper Pages: 319 - 328