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Advances in Atmospheric Sciences - AAS photo gallery on tropical cyclones

Founded in 1984, Advances in Atmospheric Sciences (AAS) is an international journal that publishes research on the physics, dynamics, and chemistry of the atmosphere, as well as the latest developments in meteorology and climatology.

AAS continues to increase its reach every year and is proud to announce its highest-ever impact factor: 3.158. This growth has allowed the journal to provide more focused coverage in the latest atmospheric and climate research. This includes many special issues that provide a specific topical focus with comprehensive coverage.

To mark this impact milestone and to ensure its continued commitment to the atmospheric science community, AAS will organize a public photo gallery centered around the theme of its upcoming special issue featuring data and original research on tropical cyclones--"Climate Change and Variability of Tropical Cyclone Activity". The gallery, entitled "Typhoons and Hurricanes: Our Planet's Most Powerful Weather Force" will run through Northern Hemisphere tropical cyclone season leading up to the special issue release (September-December 2021).

1. Theme

Tropical cyclones: Their impact, power, and nature.

2. Content

Photos of the human experience/impact of tropical cyclones. This can be imagery of the storm itself, such as cloud formations, rain, wind, or the human impact, including safety preparations and the aftermath. Damage and aftermath photos must not contain personally identifying material, blood, gore, or images of loss of human or animal life.

3. Requirements

(1) Picture size and format: Photos must be in JPEG format, with a high resolution of no less than 3000 pixels, and the file should be no larger than 50 MB.

(2) Please write us a short introduction to the work and the photographer. The time and location of the photo equipment used, and the name and contact information of the photographer should be included.

4. Rules and regulations

(1) No more than 5 pictures per participant.

(2) All works must be taken by the participant, him or herself, who must have complete intellectual property rights.

(3) Changing the content (pixels) or editing the picture is prohibited.

(4) In order to print and exhibit in an AAS publication, the originals will be needed if selected.

5. Submission

All works must be submitted online via the official website . The entrant must use his or her real name and not a pseudonym.

Upon entering the contest, entrants agree that his or her photos may be used in non-commercial purposes for AAS, such as issue cover photos and promotional materials for future issues and contests. AAS will credit participants’ names where possible.

6. Start and end:

14 September - 14 December 2021. Photos and videos must be submitted at 23:59 UTC 31 December 2021.

7. Awards

Top entries are eligible to win various small prizes including, but not limited to: Amazon/online credit/gift cards, AAS promotional materials/decorations, and other possible items. 

The winning entries will be exhibited on AAS social media during the month following the contest (January 2022). Some photos may be selected as future cover photos of Advances in Atmospheric Sciences and used within promotional material. 

8. Copyright

The works will only be used for non-commercial purposes, such as exhibition and popular science. The sponsor does not pay the copyright cost of the works separately. It will be assumed that, upon entry to the competition, contestants agree to this copyright policy.
