A new mouse mutation causing male sterility and histoincompatibility P. F. Ward-BaileyK. R. JohnsonM. T. Davisson Original Contributions Pages: 793 - 797
Scrambler, a new neurological mutation of the mouse with abnormalities of neuronal migration H. O. SweetR. T. BronsonM. T. Davisson Original Contributions Pages: 798 - 802
Mouse USF1 gene cloning: comparative organization within the c-myc gene family A. A. HenrionS. VaulontA. Kahn Original Contributions Pages: 803 - 809
Isolation of a cDNA encoding the rat MAP-kinase homolog of human p63mapk J. I. GarciaG. ZalbaC. de Miguel Original Contributions Pages: 810 - 814
Swine cytosolic malic enzyme: cDNA cloning, sequencing, and localization M. NunesY. Lahbib-MansaisC. Renard Original Contributions Pages: 815 - 821
Pigs with the dominant white coat color phenotype carry a duplication of the KIT gene encoding the mast/stem cell growth factor receptor M. Johansson MollerR. ChaudharyL. Andersson Original Contributions Pages: 822 - 830
Synteny mapping in river buffalo S. M. El NahasH. A. OrabyA. M. Karim Original Contributions Pages: 831 - 834
Degeneracy in human multicopy RBM (YRRM), a candidate spermatogenesis gene J. ProsserJ. D. InglisH. J. Cooke Original Contributions Pages: 835 - 842
Molecular analysis of two new Steel mutations in mice shows a transversion or an insertion J. GrawJ. LösterT. Schmitt-John Short Communications Pages: 843 - 846
The mouse gene (Mobp) encoding myelin-associated oligodendrocytic basic protein maps to distal Chromosome 9 A. S. McCallionJ -L. GuénetR. W. Davies Short Communications Pages: 847 - 849
Localization of human and mouse N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor (NSF) gene: a two-domain member of the AAA family that is involved in membrane fusion J. HoyleJ. P. PhelanE. M. C. Fisher Short Communications Pages: 850 - 852
Intrachromosomal telomere-like DNA sequences in Chinese hamster L. BertoniC. AttoliniE. Giulotto Short Communications Pages: 853 - 855
Genomic cloning and genetic mapping of the rat Nrampl (Bcg) gene on Chromosome 9 L. GeE. F. RemmersR. L. Wilder Short Communications Pages: 856 - 857
Mapping the ovine genes encoding IL3, IIA, IL5, and CSF2 to sheep Chromosome 5ql3-ql5 by FISH R. J. HawkenM. F. BroomJ. F. Maddox Short Communications Pages: 858 - 859
Chromosome localization of the genes for growth hormone, somatostatin peptide, ornithine transcarbamylase, and prion protein in silver fox (Vulpes fulvus) I. V. KorolevaS. N. MalchenkoS. M. Zakian Short Communications Pages: 860 - 862
Sequence of a fourth human CALM II-related pseudogene (CALM II ψ4) J. D. KarkeraF. Friedberg Short Communications Pages: 863 - 863
The methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (Mthfr) gene maps to distal mouse Chromosome 4 P. FrosstZ. -X. ZhangR. Rozen Brief Data Reports Pages: 864 - 865
A major polymorphism in the rat SA gene caused by the insertion of a LINE element S. A. FrantzA. S. ThiaraN. J. Samani Brief Data Reports Pages: 865 - 866
Localization of the vasopressin gene to rat Chromosome 3 I. I. Khegay Brief Data Reports Pages: 867 - 867
Regional localization of rat microvascular endothelial differentiation gene 1 (Mdg1) to Chromosome 6q16–23 by means of FISH F. PrölsT. LiehrB. Rautenstrauss Brief Data Reports Pages: 867 - 868
Genetic mapping of the laminin gamma 2 gene on sheep Chromosome 12 Z. A. JenkinsG. W. Montgomery Brief Data Reports Pages: 868 - 869
Fluorescent in situ localization of the bovine Activin receptor type IIA locus on Chromosome 2 (2q2.3-2.4) L. V. MonteagudoA. HerizM. V. Arruga Brief Data Reports Pages: 869 - 869