Genotype-specific environmental impact on the variance of blood values in inbred and F1 hybrid mice Martina KlemptBirgit RathkolbBernhard Aigner Original Contributions 07 February 2006 Pages: 93 - 102
The Purkinje cell degeneration 5J mutation is a single amino acid insertion that destabilizes Nna1 protein Lisa ChakrabartiJames T. NealAlbert R. La Spada OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 103 - 110
Two new behavioral QTLs, Emo4 and Reb1, map to mouse Chromosome 1: Congenic strains and candidate gene identification studies Ana Maria Rodriguez de LedesmaAarti N. DesaiLorraine Flaherty OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 111 - 118
Neuronal expression of the Ccm2 gene in a new mouse model of cerebral cavernous malformations Nicholas W. PlummerTeresa L. SquireDouglas A. Marchuk OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 119 - 128
A protocol for high-throughput phenotyping, suitable for quantitative trait analysis in mice Leah C. SolbergWilliam ValdarJonathan Flint OriginalPaper 06 February 2006 Pages: 129 - 146
Expression profiling identifies novel candidate genes for ethanol sensitivity QTLs Erik J. MacLarenBeth BennettJames M. Sikela OriginalPaper Open access 07 February 2006 Pages: 147 - 156
Comparative phylogenetic analysis reveals multiple non-imprinted isoforms of opossum Dlk1 Jennifer R. WeidmanKristin A. MaloneyRandy L. Jirtle OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 157 - 167
Reduced TCOF1 mRNA level in a rhesus macaque with Treacher Collins-like syndrome: further evidence for haploinsufficiency of treacle as the cause of disease Kathryn H. ShowsChristy WardRita Shiang OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 168 - 177
Identification of a tandem duplicated array in the Rhox α locus on mouse chromosome X Lucy MorrisJulie GordonC. Clare Blackburn OriginalPaper 07 February 2006 Pages: 178 - 187