Intestinal overexpression of ZNF148 suppresses ApcMin/+ neoplasia David J. LawEdwin M. LabutJuanita L. Merchant Original Contributions 03 October 2006 Pages: 999 - 1004
Postnatal lethality and cardiac anomalies in the Ts65Dn Down Syndrome mouse model Clara S. Moore OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1005 - 1012
The cld mutation: narrowing the critical chromosomal region and selecting candidate genes Miklós PéterfyHui Z. MaoMark H. Doolittle OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1013 - 1024
Molecular definition of an allelic series of mutations disrupting the mouse Lmx1a (dreher) gene Victor ChizhikovEkaterina SteshinaKathleen J. Millen OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1025 - 1032
Primary transcripts and expressions of mammal intergenic microRNAs detected by mapping ESTs to their flanking sequences Jin GuTao HeYanda Li OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1033 - 1041
Identification, genome mapping, and CTCF binding of potential insulators within the FXYD5-COX7A1 locus of human Chromosome 19q13.12 Sergey B. AkopovVera M. RudaEugene D. Sverdlov OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1042 - 1049
Cloning, sequencing, and chromosomal localization of pig peripheral benzodiazepine receptor: three different forms produced by alternative splicing Keqiang ZhangOlivier DemeureThierry Hauet OriginalPaper 03 October 2006 Pages: 1050 - 1062