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CardioVascular and Interventional Radiology - CVIR Awards 2023

Each year, the CVIR editors recognise the best-performing articles and reviewers and award the prestigious Editors’ Medal to an outstanding publication from the previous year. The 2023 winners will be honoured during the CIRSE 2023 congress in Copenhagen, Denmark (September 9-13) at the CVIR and CVIR Endovascular awards ceremony and reception hosted by the editors-in-chief of both CIRSE journals, Klaus Hausegger (CVIR Editor-in-Chief) and Jim Reekers (CVIR Endovascular Editor-in-Chief). For more information, click here.

Editors’ Medal

This year two outstanding papers have been awarded the Editors’ Medal 2023:

Improved Outcomes of Thermal Ablation for Colorectal Liver Metastases: A 10-Year Analysis from the Prospective Amsterdam CORE Registry (AmCORE)
Robbert S. Puijk, Madelon Dijkstra, Bente A. T. van den Bemd, Alette H. Ruarus, Sanne Nieuwenhuizen, Bart Geboers, Florentine E. F. Timmer, Evelien A. C. Schouten, Jan J. J. de Vries, Bram B. van der Meijs, Karin Nielsen, Rutger-Jan Swijnenburg, M. Petrousjka van den Tol, Kathelijn S. Versteeg, Birgit I. Lissenberg-Witte, Hester J. Scheffer & Martijn R. Meijerink

Long-Term Effectiveness and Safety of Femoropopliteal Drug-Coated Balloon Angioplasty : 5-Year Results of the Randomized Controlled EffPac Trial
Ulf Teichgräber, Thomas Lehmann, Maja Ingwersen, René Aschenbach, Thomas Zeller, Klaus Brechtel, Erwin Blessing, Michael Lichtenberg, Peter von Flotow, Britta Heilmeier, Sebastian Sixt, Steffen Brucks, Christian Erbel, Ulrich Beschorner, Michael Werk, Vicenç Riambau, Andreas Wienke, Christof Klumb, Markus Thieme & Dierk Scheinert

CVIR Awards

Awards for outstanding service to the journal 2023

Most cited article: Clinical investigation    
Genicular artEry embolizatioN in patiEnts with oSteoarthrItiS of the Knee (GENESIS) Using Permanent Microspheres: Interim Analysis 
M. W. Little, M. Gibson, J. Briggs, A. Speirs, P. Yoong, T. Ariyanayagam, N. Davies, E. Tayton, S. Tavares, S. MacGill, C. McLaren & R. Harrison

Most cited article: Laboratory investigation
Evaluation of Multiple Embolic Agents for Embolization of the Superior Rectal Artery in an Animal Model 
Farouk Tradi, Julien Panneau, Pauline Brige, Diane Mege, Paul Habert, Jean Francois Hak, Mathieu Di Bisceglie & Vincent Vidal 

Most cited article: Study protocol
Randomized Phase 3 LEAP-012 Study: Transarterial Chemoembolization With or Without Lenvatinib Plus Pembrolizumab for Intermediate-Stage Hepatocellular Carcinoma Not Amenable to Curative Treatment
Josep M. Llovet, Arndt Vogel, David C. Madoff, Richard S. Finn, Sadahisa Ogasawara, Zhenggang Ren, Kalgi Mody, Jerry J. Li, Abby B. Siegel, Leonid Dubrovsky & Masatoshi Kudo

Most cited article: Technical note
Robot-Assisted Carotid Artery Stenting: A Safety and Feasibility Study
Ben Jones, Celia Riga, Colin Bicknell & Mohamad Hamady

Most cited article: Review article
Transarterial Chemoembolization and Radioembolization for Unresectable Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma—a Systemic Review and Meta-Analysis
Cristina Mosconi, Leonardo Solaini, Giulio Vara, Nicolò Brandi, Alberta Cappelli, Francesco Modestino, Alessandro Cucchetti & Rita Golfieri

Most cited article: Short communication
Outpatient Transradial Emborrhoid Technique: A Pilot Study 
Roberto Iezzi, Paola Campenni, Alessandro Posa, Angelo Parello, Elena Rodolfino, Angelo Alessandro Marra, Carlo Ratto & Riccardo Manfredi

Most cited article: Commentary
Minimally Invasive Treatment Procedures Have Come of Age for Thyroid Malignancy: The 2021 Clinical Practice Guideline for the Use of Minimally Invasive Treatments in Malignant Thyroid Lesions
Giovanni Mauri, Laszlo Hegedüs, Roberto Luigi Cazzato & Enrico Papini

Most cited article: CIRSE Standards of Practice
CIRSE Standards of Practice on Hepatic Transarterial Chemoembolisation
Pierleone Lucatelli, Marta Burrel, Boris Guiu, Gianluca de Rubeis, Otto van Delden & Thomas Helmberger

Most downloaded article
2022 Update of BCLC Treatment Algorithm of HCC: What’s New for Interventional Radiologists?
Pierleone Lucatelli & Boris Guiu

Article with the best media performance
Predictive Parameters in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Hepatic Perfusion with Melphalan for Unresectable Liver Metastases from Uveal Melanoma: A Retrospective Pooled Analysis
T. M. L. Tong, M. Samim, E. Kapiteijn, T. S. Meijer, F. M. Speetjens, R. Brüning, T. H. Schroeder, S. El-Sanosy, H. Maschke, F. K. Wacker, A. Vogel, C. L. A. Dewald, J. J. Goeman & M. C. Burgmans 

Outstanding service to the journal for the most reviews carried out in 2022:
Kyung Cho
 (University of Michigan/US) for completing 19 reviews
Hyeon Yu (University of North Carolina/US) for completing 15 reviews
Sean Kennedy (University of Toronto/CA) for completing 14 reviews
Ignacio Diaz Lorenzo (University of Madrid/ES) for completing 14 reviews
Ali Alsafi (Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust/UK) for completing 13 reviews
