Environmental and Habitat Management: The Case of Ethiopia and Ghana TADESSE KIDANE-MARIAM Pages: 0313 - 0327
Sediment Flux to the Sea as Influenced by Changing Human Activities and Precipitation: Example of the Yellow River, China XU JIONGXIN Pages: 0328 - 0341
Compliance with Regulations by “Swim-with-Dolphins” Operations in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia CAROL SCARPACINUGEGODA DAYANTHIPETER J. CORKERON Pages: 0342 - 0347
Population, Development, and Waste Management in Botswana: Conceptual and Policy Implications for Climate Change THANDO D. GWEBU Pages: 0348 - 0354
Examining Landscape Dynamics at a Watershed Scale Using Landsat TM Imagery for Detection of Wintering Hooded Crane Decline in Yashiro, Japan YUANBO LIUSOICHI NISHIYAMATATSURO KUSAKA Pages: 0365 - 0376
Effects of Mechanical Fracturing and Experimental Trampling on Hawaiian Corals KU'ULEI RODGERSEVELYN COXCRAIG NEWTSON Pages: 0377 - 0384
A Geomorphic Explanation for a Meander Cutoff Following Channel Relocation of a Coarse-Bedded River DOUGLAS M. THOMPSON Pages: 0385 - 0400
Radiative Forcing Due to Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Finland: Methods for Estimating Forcing of a Country or an Activity SUVI MONNIRIITTA KORHONENILKKA SAVOLAINEN Pages: 0401 - 0411
Alteration in Rhizosphere Soil Properties of Afforested Rhamnus lycioides Seedlings in Short-Term Response to Mycorrhizal Inoculation with Glomus intraradices and Organic Amendment FUENSANTA CARAVACADINO FIGUEROACONCEPCIÓN AZCÓN-AGUILAR Pages: 0412 - 0420
Capacity to Influence Sources of Heavy Metals to Wastewater Treatment Sludge LOUISE SÖRMEANNICA LINDQVISTHENRIETTE SÖDERBERG Pages: 0421 - 0428
Remotely Sensed Data for Ecosystem Analyses: Combining Hierarchy Theory and Scene Models Stuart R. PHINNDOUGLAS A. STOWJOEL MICHAELSEN Pages: 0429 - 0441
Sustainable Management for the Eastern Mediterranean Coast of Turkey SÜHA BERBEROGLU Pages: 0442 - 0451