Understandings of Environmental Quality: Ambiguities and Values Held by Environmental Professionals R. Bruce HullDavid RichertGregory J. Buhyoff Pages: 0001 - 0013
Toward an Integrated Management Plan of the Djoudj Park Water Resources: Senegal River Mouth OUSMANE FALLNOBUYUKI HORIMBARACK DIOP Pages: 0014 - 0028
Strategies for Emission Reduction of Air Pollutants Produced from a Chemical Plant BYEONG-KYU LEESUNG-WOONG CHO Pages: 0042 - 0049
The Influence of Road Infrastructure and Traffic on Soil, Water, and Air Quality H. D. VAN BOHEMENW. H. JANSSEN VAN DE LAAK Pages: 0050 - 0068
A Technicoeconomic Approach for theSelection of a Site Remediation Strategy—Part B: Model Application GONTRAN F. BAGERÉJEAN SAMSONBERNARD SINCLAIR-DESGAGNÉ Pages: 0069 - 0078
Impact of Busy Roads on Breeding Success in Pied Flycatchers Ficedula hypoleuca MARKKU T. KUITUNENJOHANNA VILJANENARTO STENROOS Pages: 0079 - 0085
Postfire Regeneration in Pinus pinea L. and Pinus pinaster Aiton in Andalucia (Spain) VIRGINIA GALLEGOS PÉRULARAFAEL M. NAVARRO CERRILLOGEMADEL VALLE MURILLO Pages: 0086 - 0099
Influence of Water Allocation and Freshwater Inflow on Oyster Production: A Hydrodynamic–Oyster Population Model for Galveston Bay, Texas, USA ERIC N. POWELLJOHN M. KLINCKMARGARET A. McMANUS Pages: 0100 - 0121
Modeling Flow and Sediment Transport in a River System Using an Artificial Neural Network LI YITIANROY R. GU Pages: 0122 - 0134
Trout Population Responses to Restoration of Stream Flows J. SCOTT COVINGTONWAYNE A. HUBERT Pages: 0135 - 0146
Evaluation of the Fire Simulation Processes of the National Fire Management System's Initial Attack Analysis Processor A. P. DIMITRAKOPOULOSP. N. OMI Pages: 0147 - 0156