National Policies for Biosphere Greenhouse Gas Management: Issues and Opportunities STEVEN A. KENNETT Pages: 0595 - 0608
Public–Private Partnerships for Solid Waste Management Services M. MASSOUDM. EL-FADEL Pages: 0621 - 0630
Restoration, Stewardship, Environmental Health, and Policy: Understanding Stakeholders' Perceptions JOANNA BURGER Pages: 0631 - 0640
Setting Priorities for Research on Pollution Reduction Functions of Agricultural Buffers MICHAEL G. DOSSKEY Pages: 0641 - 0650
Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Hedgerows in Three Agricultural Landscapes of Southern Quebec, Canada RETO SCHMUCKISYLVIE DE BLOISGÉRALD DOMON Pages: 0651 - 0664
Farmers, Streams, Information, and Money: Does Informing Farmers About Riparian Management Have Any Effect? HEATHER M. RHODESLOUIS S. LELAND, JR.BRIAN E. NIVEN Pages: 0665 - 0677
Climatic and Stream-Flow Controls on Tree Growth in a Western Montane Riparian Forest ANGELA C. DISALVOSTEPHEN C. HART Pages: 0678 - 0691
Amenity Values of Public and Private Forests: Examining the Value–Attitude Relationship MICHAEL A. TARRANTH. KEN CORDELL Pages: 0692 - 0703
Multiscale Indicators of Land Degradation in the Patagonian Monte, Argentina MÓNICA B. BERTILLERJORGE O. ARESALEJANDRO J. BISIGATO Pages: 0704 - 0715
Assessment of Groundwater Quality by Means of Self-Organizing Maps: Application in a Semiarid Area FRANCISCO SÁNCHEZ-MARTOSPEDRO A. AGUILERAANTONIO PULIDO-BOSCH Pages: 0716 - 0726
The US Clean Water Act and Habitat Replacement: Evaluation of Mitigation Sites in Orange County, California, USA MARK F. SUDOLRICHARD F. AMBROSE Pages: 0727 - 0734