Legitimizing Fluvial Ecosystems as Users of Water: An Overview ROBERT J. NAIMANSTUART E. BUNNLISA C. THOMPSON Pages: 455 - 467
Basic Principles and Ecological Consequences of Changing Water Regimes: Riparian Plant Communities CHRISTER NILSSONMAGNUS SVEDMARK Pages: 468 - 480
Basic Principles and Ecological Consequences of Changing Water Regimes on Nitrogen Cycling in Fluvial Systems GILLES PINAYJEAN CHRISTOPHE CLÉMENTROBERT J. NAIMAN Pages: 481 - 491
Basic Principles and Ecological Consequences of Altered Flow Regimes for Aquatic Biodiversity STUART E. BUNNANGELA H. ARTHINGTON Pages: 492 - 507
Section 404 Wetland Mitigation and Permit Success Criteria in Pennsylvania, USA, 1986–1999 Charles Andrew ColeDeborah Shafer Pages: 508 - 515
Riparian Livestock Exclosure Research in the Western United States: A Critique and Some Recommendations DANIEL A. SARR Pages: 516 - 526
Residential Water Consumption, Motivation for Conserving Water and the Continuing Tragedy of the Commons VICTOR CORRAL-VERDUGOMARTHA FRÍAS-ARMENTANOELIA ESPINOZA-GALLEGO Pages: 527 - 535
Methods of Compliance Evaluation for Ocean Outfall Design and Analysis MUKHTASORL. M. LYEJ. J. SHARP Pages: 536 - 546
Comparative Influence of Forest Management and Habitat Structural Factors on the Abundances of Hollow-Nesting Bird Species in Subtropical Australian Eucalypt Forest ANITA SMYTHRALPH Mac NALLYDAVID LAMB Pages: 547 - 559
An Environmental Assessment of Food Supply Chains: A Case Study on Dessert Apples ANDY JONES Pages: 560 - 576
Factors Affecting Private Forest Landowner Interest in Ecosystem Management: Linking Spatial and Survey Data MICHAEL G. JACOBSON Pages: 577 - 583
Cross-Boundary Cooperation in a Watershed Context: The Sentiments of Private Forest Landowners MARK G. RICKENBACHA. SCOTT REED Pages: 584 - 594