Carrying Capacity as “Informed Judgment”: The Values of Science and the Science of Values ROBERT E. MANNINGSTEVEN R. LAWSON Pages: 157 - 168
Integrating Social Preference in GIS-Aided Planning for Forestry and Conservation Activities: A Case Study from Rural SE Asia EDWARD L. WEBB THIHA Pages: 183 - 198
Uncertainty Analysis of Predicted Disturbance from Off-Road Vehicular Traffic in Complex Landscapes at Fort Hood SHOUFAN FANGSTEPHEN WENTEALAN ANDERSON Pages: 199 - 208
Modeling Channel Management Impacts on River Migration: A Case Study of Woodson Bridge State Recreation Area, Sacramento River, California, USA ERIC W. LARSENSTEVEN E. GRECO Pages: 209 - 224
Landscape-Scale Spatial Population Dynamics in Human-Impacted Stream Systems WINSOR H. LOWE Pages: 225 - 233
Patterns of Streamwater Acidity in Lye Brook Wilderness, Vermont, USA John L. CampbellChristopher EagarWilliam H. McDowell Pages: 234 - 248
Empirical Assessment of Debris Flow Risk on a Regional Scale in Yunnan Province, Southwestern China XILIN LIUZHONG QI YUECHACK FAN LEE Pages: 249 - 264
Comparison of Hydrology of Wetlands in Pennsylvania and Oregon (USA) as an Indicator of Transferability of Hydrogeomorphic (HGM) Functional Models Between Regions CHARLES ANDREW COLEROBERT P. BROOKSMARY E. KENTULA Pages: 265 - 278
Risk-Based Analysis of Environmental Monitoring Data: Application to Heavy Metals in North Carolina Surface Waters BENJAMIN L. PRESTONJEREMIAH SHACKELFORD Pages: 279 - 293
Development of a Bird Integrity Index: Using Bird Assemblages as Indicators of Riparian Condition Sandra A. BryceRobert M. HughesPhilip R. Kaufmann Pages: 294 - 310