Future Solutions for the Treatment and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes in China JINHUI LIQINGZHONG BAIYONGFENG NIE Pages: 591 - 597
River Systems as Providers of Goods and Services: A Basis for Comparing Desired and Undesired Effects of Large Dam Projects ANNA BRISMAR Pages: 598 - 609
Fertilizer Management in Watersheds of Two Ramsar Wetlands and Effects on Quality of Inflowing Water S. E. TSIOURISA. P. MAMOLOSN. BARBAYIANNIS Pages: 610 - 619
Urban Channel Adjustments in a Management Context: An Australian Example KEN. J. GREGORY Pages: 620 - 633
Sourcing Sediment Using Multiple Tracers in the Catchment of Lake Argyle, Northwestern Australia R. J. WASSONGARY CAITCHEONJAY QUADE Pages: 634 - 646
A Conceptual Model for Defining and Assessing Land Management Units Using a Fuzzy Modeling Approach in GIS Environment SUMBANGAN BAJADAVID M. CHAPMANDEIRDRE DRAGOVICH Pages: 647 - 661
Foraging Areas of King Penguins from Macquarie Island in Relation to a Marine Protected Area BARBARA WIENECKEGRAHAM ROBERTSON Pages: 662 - 672
The Euler Number as an Index of Spatial Integrity of Landscapes: Evaluation and Proposed Improvement JAN BOGAERTPIET VAN HECKEREINHART CEULEMANS Pages: 673 - 682
Soil Arthropods (Coleoptera, Isopoda) in Organic and Conventional Agroecosystems E. HADJICHARALAMPOUSK. L. KALBURTJIA. P. MAMOLOS Pages: 683 - 690
Calculating Resource Restoration for an Oil Discharge in Lake Barre, Louisiana, USA TONY PENNTHEODORE TOMASI Pages: 691 - 702
The National Vegetation Classification Standard Applied to the Remote Sensing Classification of Two Semiarid Environments Elijah W. Ramsey, IIIGene A. NelsonSijan K. Sapkota Pages: 703 - 715
Land-Cover Change in Upper Barataria Basin Estuary, Louisiana, 1972–1992: Increases in Wetland Area STACY A. C. NELSONPATRICIA A. SORANNOJIAGUO QI Pages: 716 - 727