Early Action to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions Before the Commitment Period of the Kyoto Protocol: Advantages and Disadvantages AXEL MICHAELOWACHRIS ROLFE Pages: 281 - 292
Developing a Spatial Framework of Common Ecological Regions for the Conterminous United States GERARD McMAHONSTEVEN M. GREGONISJAMES E. KEYS Pages: 293 - 316
A Landscape Analysis of Cougar Distribution and Abundance in Montana, USA Shawn J. RileyRichard A. Malecki Pages: 317 - 323
Land-Use Dynamics in a Southern Illinois (USA) Watershed CHRISTOPHER LANTTIMOTHY LOFTUSDAVID BENNETT Pages: 325 - 340
A Geomorphologist's Criticism of the Engineering Approach to Channelization of Gravel-Bed Rivers: Case Study of the Raba River, Polish Carpathians BARTŁOMIEJ WYŻGA Pages: 341 - 358
A Procedure for Incorporating Spatial Variability in Ecological Risk Assessment of Dutch River Floodplains LAMMERT KOOISTRAROB S.E.W. LEUVENLUTGARDE M.C. BUYDENS Pages: 359 - 373
A Simple Method for Predicting the Consequences of Land Management in Urban Habitats CHRISTOPHER H. YOUNGPETER J. JARVIS Pages: 375 - 387
A Landscape Ecological Approach to Address Scaling Problems in Conservation Management and Monitoring MARC STALMANSKEVIN BALKWILLKEVIN H. ROGERS Pages: 389 - 401
Rock Climbers' Attitudes Toward Management of Climbing and the Use of Bolts RUDY M. SCHUSTERJAMES G. THOMPSONWILLIAM E. HAMMITT Pages: 403 - 412
Benefits-Based Analysis of Visitor Use of Sorak-San National Park in Korea WON SOP SHINREINER JAAKSONEUN II KIM Pages: 413 - 419